Being a True Worshipper

There are so many verses in the Bible that talk about worship (check below) but I thought this video was well done:

A Call to True Worship:
Psalm 8:1, Psalm 29:2, 95:6, 99:5, John 4:21, 22, 23, 24

Reasons for Worship:
Deuteronomy 12:5, 6, 7, Philippians 2:9, 10, 11, James 4:8, Revelation 5:9, 4:11

Examples of Worship:
Exodus 33:9, 10, Psalm 100:4, Romans 12:1, 2, Galatians 2:20, Hebrews 5:7

Worship in Song:
Exodus 15:20, 21, Psalm 59:16, Psalm 63:3, 4, Psalm 66:4, Psalm 150:1-6

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A Valley of Dry Bones

Here is a word for this generation, it is not a message given only to the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 37:1-10). Listen to the words as the Spirit of God speaks to your heart. Awaken your passion for God and his mission in the world. Become a part of proclaiming God’s message to those who have yet to hear.

These dry bones are your neighbors, classmates, friends, co-workers, golf buddies. The valley is at the grocery store, gas station, the racquet club, the golf course, the oceanfront, among the homeless and at your favorite restaurant.

Live in a way that is worthy of our calling as followers of Christ. How will you live differently today than any other day up until now?

Courageous Movie Trailer

King’s Grant Baptist Church has a license to show the feature film Courageous. It is free, and space is limited. Join us on Friday, January 20, 2012, at 7:00 pm. This film can be a significant event in the lives of our men and families in the Little Neck community. It will challenge men to strive to be more than “just good enough” as fathers and husbands.

Here is the movie trailer:

The Importance of Good Modeling

I saw this today and needed to pass it on. Be warned, I consider this R-rated. I don’t condone any of the ugliness you will see here, but in order to help parents see how their behaviors and attitudes are passed down to the next generation, it is extremely important to view this.

Parent Advisory Warning: this is disturbing video, and there is a vulgar gesture in one part. But if this video disturbs you, then it has been a success. Make changes as needed.

As Christian men and parents, let’s commit ourselves to move toward kindness, love, compassion, patience, peace, forgiveness, tolerance and respect… qualities which are not present in this video. “Don’t be that guy.”

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Promotion for a Men’s Conference

I saw this video online and laughed out loud. I am a fan of ministry for and to men; there is such a great need to develop men to strengthen marriages and families. Check out the Men of Steel page above (that does not mean “abs of steel” like you see on the video). I would love to find creative people who can come up with promotion ideas like this. btw, God, that is a request to bring people to King’s Grant.