Jesus is Our Way

The church is going through the Blackaby classic study called Experiencing God and I intend to post my insights along the Journey.

When Jesus comes into your life, we are called to seek his will in all matters. We are not supposed to just live our lives as we have been before receiving Christ. We take this journey one step at a time, growing in the faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ and his ways (John 14:6).

Jesus does not tell us that he is A way to God but THE way to God; or that he will show us the way, or even give us a road map to find our destination. He guides us all along the journey.

There is also a difference between a headlight and a lamp. We desire to use a headlight to see down the path, when God provides a lamp, which allows us to take steps toward our destination. We walk by faith ant not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Abraham followed God one step at a time (Genesis 12:1-5). Notice that God told him to GO, but not really a destination… a place that God WILL SHOW him at a later point. The same is for us, to walk step by step without knowing all the details.

The priority in life is Matthew 6:33-34).