Disciple-Making Pastor, Part 7

The Practices of a Disciple Making Pastor:

The Principle of Selectivity: (2 Timothy 2:2, 1 Timothy 3:1-10, Titus 1:5-9) the intentional selection and training of people for leadership.

  1. Selectivity can be controversial since it upsets the balance of power, who has it and how they get it. The rules get changed, charges of playing favorites. Jesus selected 12 out of 120, or 70, he even selected three out of the 12.
  2. Selectivity protects the product – “a camel is a horse made by committee.” Why? Unqualified people are influencing policy.
  3. Selectivity produces a good product – the highest quality will be passed on if the highest quality is selected.
  4. Selectivity protects the church from trouble – by choosing high quality servants to lead, and also weeding out the unqualified.
  5. Selectivity models the objective – proper modeling changes people.
  6. Selectivity gives people something to which they can aspire – when a disciple is fully taught, he will be like his teacher (Luke 6:40).

Philosophical Purity at the Leadership Level: this is basically what is called alignment, all are on board with the philosophical objectives. All leadership united in the goals of discipleship.

  1. Has a heart for disciple making.
  2. Is a proven disciple maker.
  3. Has strong Bible knowledge.
  4. Agrees with methods and priorities of the church.

Accountability is Necessary:

  1. It is a means of quality control (Titus 3:10, 1 Timothy 5:15-19, Isaiah 53:6).
  2. It facilitates leadership (1 Corinthians 3:10-15) – Many people will accept accountability from an all-powerful God but will resist it from the church.
  3. It protects the congregation – helping people to not only keep from wrong but to keep them doing what is right.
  4. It makes ministry a joy (Hebrews 13:17).
  5. It helps people keep their commitments to God (1 Thessalonians 5:14) – Warn the idle and disorderly (Romans 15:14, Colossians 1:28, Acts 20:31); Warn the rebellious (Hebrews 13:17, Titus 3:10, Philippians 2:19-24); Warn the neglectful (2 Timothy 4:2); Encourage the timid; Help the weak.

The Small Group and Disciple Making: (Large, Small, One on one).

  1. Small group is Jesus’ example (5000, 500, 120, 70, 12, 3). The small group was chosen to be with Him (Mark 3:14).
  2. The small group provides the proper ministry flow – large group for information and inspiration, while the small group takes the next step with the whats and whys.
  3. The small group provides a controlled environment – measuring the disciple’s progress in skills development, peer relationships, outreach projects, training disciple makers.

Decentralization of Pastoral Care:

  1. A ministry given to the entire body (Ephesians 4:11-12, 16).
  2. Why it is important – it is God’s plan. Staff does it because it is expected by the people. A decentralized caring force will transform a community. Proper use of the pastor (to declare, train and manage). Proper use of the body (each smaller group a mini-congregation charged with caring for each other).

Summary in three word: Conviction (Luke 6:40, he can inspire because of his convictions), Skill (motivated from conviction) and Intentional (measured, calculated and precise).