Praise Team Penalties

In honor of football season, I thought it would be fun to see what penalties can be thrown at the praise team!

  1. False Start: when the worship leader skips the lead break & jumps back into the chorus.
  2. Roughing the Pastor: when the praise team takes too much time leaving the sermon rushed or going past 12:00.
  3. Illegal Use of the Budget: when the praise team buys a killer sound and light system with a smoke machine and pyrotechnics.
  4. Penalty Challenge Flags: when deacons throw the penalty flag to challenge the key the praise team sings the newest Tomlin tune.
  5. Delay of Benediction: when the praise team repeats the final song’s chorus until it is memorized by the congregation.
  6. Encroachment: when the praise team knows the message is 25 minutes long and they don’t start the sermon video until 11:40.
  7. Face Masking: when the praise team makes the congregation sing songs of personal reflection & commitment, thus challenging people to remove the masks they often wear to church.
  8. Holding: when the praise team tells people to hold hands for prayer, or while singing a “community building” song (like “bless be the tie that binds” or “we are one in the bond of love”). Man-up the church!
  9. Illegal Contact: when the praise team takes that command to “greet one another with a holy kiss” too far.
  10. Illegal Formation: when the praise team sets up with three guitars, a bass guitar, two drummers, a keyboard and four vocalists.
  11. Illegal Motion: when the praise team gets people worked up swaying to the music, closing their eyes and raising their hands, so that the deacons have to step in.
  12. Neutral Zone Infraction: when the praise team allows the front row to form a mosh pit.
  13. Offside: when the praise team sets up the stage with a total lack of symmetry. Alternate penalty: when the praise team is so loud on the final song that someone responding to the invitation must be taken off to the side to talk or pray.
  14. Intentional Grounding: when the praise team makes people sit down during the offering time music.

What other penalties will you add to this list? Comment below. These are specific in context to The Well at King’s Grant Baptist.

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Would it Be Thanksgiving

Cooking, decorating, shopping, football, family festivities … these are all ingredients to a full and chaotic Thanksgiving holiday. This thoughtful video reminds us that there are a lot of elements that make Thanksgiving an American holiday, but the main ingredient is giving thanks to God.