Enhancing Your Health

I have a confession to make, I tend to work too much. I don’t separate my life into neat little compartments. I discovered this past weekend (at the Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership event) that we must pay attention to seven areas of our lives or we will become unbalanced. We must put these areas into balance: career, financial, spiritual, family, intellectual, physical and social. If we focus on one over the rest or neglect one in favor of the rest, we will get a “flat” in this “wheel of life.” This is a confessional; I need discipline in this area. The point is, it is for my health, not just for better time management.


While we may not be called to martyr our lives, we must martyr our way of life. We must put our selfish ways to death and march to a different beat. Then the world will see Jesus. — Michael Tait

We all live in a fallen world, are damaged, and need to be healed as we grow in our relationships with others and God. — Dan Allender

Top 10 Ways to Enhance Your Health:

  1. Tame workaholism and stress through spiritual disciplines.
  2. Protect your sleep as the gift of God.
  3. Eat when you are hungry; stop when you are full.
  4. Choose fresh, natural foods over processed ones.
  5. Integrate moderate exercise to sharpen mind and body.
  6. Seek balance between work and play, community and solitude.
  7. Use godly resources emotional and sexual health.
  8. Keep your conscience clear of sin and unforgiveness.
  9. Stimulate your mind through diverse reading and study.
  10. Learn to listen to the condition of your body, soul and spirit.

Trust and Faith

The essence of the Christian life is faith and trust. It’s one thing to simply believe the right stuff about Jesus but it totally another thing to live a life worthy of being called a Christian. Trusting God that He wants the best for you and any restrictions are for our benefit. Trust is a learned skill, and is something that is earned. The most we trust God, the more we come to realize that He is worthy of our trust (Jeremiah 29:11).


Jesus says that the root of anxiety is inadequate faith in our Father’s future grace. As unbelief gets the upper hand in our hearts, one of the effects is anxiety. The root cause of anxiety is a failure to trust all that God has promised to be for us in Jesus. — John Piper

The one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. — Thomas Aquinas

Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods. — C. S. Lewis

Top 10 Places in Life That Require Trust:

  1. Prayer: knowing that He’s there and hears every word. Even the ones you have not said.
  2. Friendships: knowing that He can sustain the ones that matter.
  3. Parents: knowing that He can bring understanding and respect.
  4. Children: knowing that they are held by stronger arms than yours.
  5. Church: knowing that God is bigger than problems and messes.
  6. Personality: knowing that He is changing you and unlocking your true self.
  7. Career: knowing that God is preparing you for important things.
  8. Finances: knowing that God is absolutely committed to your supply.
  9. Destiny: knowing that your journey has a good destination (John 14:3).
  10. Your life: knowing that God will finish what He has started (Philippians 1:6).