Reaching the Buster Generation

This is a continuation of my previous post on Ministering to the Buster Generation.


The stats are interesting. In 2001, 33% of those ages 18-29 attended church, (compared to 40% of those ages 30-64 and 52% of those ages 65-74). So how does today’s church design a strategy for reaching unchurched Busters? Gary McIntosh (One Church Four Generations) suggests five concepts the church must keep in mind, (the author elaborates but you can brainstorm the possibilities under each point). 

1.   Physically, nothing captivates Busters more than sports and fitness.

2.   Relationally, nothing captivates Busters than friends and family.

3.   Mentally, nothing captivates Busters more than entertainment and music.

4.   Socially, nothing captivates Busters more than improving the environment.

5.   Spiritually, nothing captivates Busters more than a search for serenity.


While one-size-fits-all does not fit the Buster generation, there are some keys to reaching them. Each church must determine if they are Buster-centered, Buster-friendly or Buster-hostile. Consider these ideas in becoming more Buster-centered (like saying, “welcome, we’ve prepared this experience just for you”).

·     Play down titles and use first names.

·     Eliminate churchy words like foyer, vestibule and sanctuary and replace them with platform, lobby and auditorium.

·     Provide excellent child-care facilities.

·     Explain everything you do, so they have some idea of what’s going on.

·     Use a style of music that they would listen to on the radio.

·     Dress casually.

·     Remodel the church to reflect contemporary colors, rather than outdated.

·     Install equipment that Busters expect: computer and multimedia projector.

·     Don’t call attention to guests, but welcome visitors as a group and invite them to sit back and enjoy the service, directing them to a welcome center in the lobby.


Not only can the church value Busters, but other things can be done to reach this generation:

·     Start a new worship experience designed for them.

·     Make a good first impression.

·     Keep things relaxed.

·     Be positive: help Busters to see the joy in serving Christ.

·     Use a response card rather than asking them to come forward after a service.

·     Start a drama ministry or a video production team.

·     Preach “how-to” messages.

·     Establish new ministries.

·     Teach life skills.

·     Provide parafamily structures: small groups, sports teams, task oriented committees.

·     Be involved in the community.

·     Stress marriage and family.

·     Communicate your vision with practical results of your ministries.

·     Offer time and space since their pilgrimage may last longer than others: they are the first post-Christian generation who lack a Christian foundation; they carry hurts that need healing before they can move to another place in their lives; they learn by experimenting and they are predisposed to thinking that church is irrelevant.

The main thing for Busters is relationships, purpose in life and personal healing… wow, healing hurts and building bridges. What a great task for the church! 

Ministering to the Buster Generation

Broadly defined, Busters were born between 1965 and 1983 and represent about 66 million Americans (roughly ages 25 to 42). They have seen many changes and advances in their lifetime: Roe v. Wade, high technology, video games, television quality and choices, the Challenger disaster, the Berlin Wall came down, peer groups became essential, music had become more cynical, AIDS, the Persian Gulf war, the youthful Clinton administration (his relatively young age and who can forget Monica)…


Their characteristics may be described as desiring freedom, non-work-a-holic, into 60’s nostalgia, survival (from AIDS to pollution to over population), feeling neglected (divorced parents, single-parent homes, virtual communities), rejecting the values of the Boomers and even postponing marriage.


So, where do they fit in the church? Busters value a true family atmosphere (often coming out of a generation of broken families); get involved in local causes in order to see the results of their efforts, have shorter attention spans (the sound bite generation); want a church to meet their own needs (a pragmatic faith that works for them) and a faith that works for others (becoming involved in social, political and environmental issues)…


Let me get to my subject. Gary McIntosh (One Church Four Generations) suggests many ways the church can seek to understand this generation.

  • Define Vision – we must have a clearly defined vision and a commitment to accomplish the task. He says that “to know Christ and make Him known” is too theoretical to be relevant to Busters. Pragmatic busters want to know how the mission will be carried out; how are we going to get to know Christ and to whom is the church trying to make Christ known?
  • Keep Worship Authentic – honest, straightforward, tell-it-like-it-is services are attractive to Busters. They can be short or long, but they cannot be considered a waste of time. They are not so much bored with worship but with services that move slowly. Music is important, so we need to use up-to-date music in a variety of styles, even having busters help plan the services.
  • Focus on local issues – rather than far away places. They will feed the homeless in their own area but seldom will they minister across the country. They want to know that their money is making a difference and do not give because they are asked to give to the regular Boomer channels of missions support. So, experiencing missions is important, even if that experience takes them internationally.
  • Challenge to Short-term Service – the general rule is to recruit for short-term and to renew for long-term. Long-term commitments are not the norm, so experiencing a ministry first helps develop a commitment to it in the long term.
  • Small Groups – Busters love feedback and discussion with people they trust. Step-by-step instructions and accountability are usually needed to move from concepts into action.
  • Answer Questions – since Busters need to sort out various hurts in their lives, the church needs to provide practical messages, classes and groups. They need help with problems they face every day: AIDS, divorce, pornography, immorality, child abuse, drugs and alcohol abuse, STDs. They need honest answers and biblical solutions.
  • Develop Need-Based Ministry – we might call some of these support groups: divorce care, overcoming addictions, surviving abuse.

We have to understand the driving forces behind the group we are trying to reach. This group is the future of the church. What will the church look like after the Builders and Boomers begin to die off? So, what do you think?