Simple Church: Return to God’s Process for Making Disciples
(Rainer and Geiger)
This is a very easy to read and understand assessment of the church in America. The authors provide research to support the assertion that church in America has become complex; leaving a simple strategy that attracts people and moves them into deeper levels of commitment to Christ and the community.
“Now I urge you brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all same the same thing, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction.” — Paul, 1 Corinthians 1:10 (Alignment)
Unity is a miracle: Jesus prayed that his disciples experience unity, that they be one (John 17:21). Alignment is having all those involved on the same page.
Recruit on the process:
Don’t just hire people on their talent but how they fit the organization. Hiring the best in each role will lead to division. A staff person cannot be all things to all people; each must stand on their convictions and priorities.
Offer accountability:
The church is not a building, a creed or an institution; it’s alive. There is a balance between micro-managing the process and neglect. This balance is called good leadership. A tool worth considering is having a Ministry Action Plan. We used this approach in Africa and is very helpful in defining measurable goals and action plans to meet those goals.
Implement the same process everywhere:
The simple process guides every group and department; children through students and adults. The benefits include:
- Understanding is increased – everyone understand the direction of the community.
- Unity is promoted – each ministry is pulled together.
- Families experience the same process – they are challenged toward movement within the process.
Unite around the process:
If the community is not united around the same process, it will look a lot like Mr. Potato Head with his parts in the wrong places. We must function in the right way (1 Corinthians 12:12). New ministries are always added and evaluated according to the process.