Better Communication

Have you ever stopped to evaluate the impact of how you communicate? A thoughtful, encouraging word, an empathetic comment, a compassionate glance versus a careless comment, a rude remark, a sarcastic smirk. What do your words really communicate to those closest to you? Your words have the potential of bringing life or death to another person, especially your spouse. Your words, along with underlying attitudes, will either build others up or tear them down, strengthen them in the Lord or weaken their faith.

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

Here are the topics regarding communication:

  1. The Definition of Communication
  2. The 10 Communication Commandments
  3. Guidelines for Effective Communication
  4. Levels of Communication
  5. Words that Wound
  6. Ways that are Wrong
  7. The Causes of Negative Communication
  8. Who Is in Control?
  9. The Key to Listening
  10. Seven Don’t for Proper Listening
  11. What Are we to Communicate?
  12. Understanding Gender Differences
  13. The Recipe for Reconciliation
  14. The Languages of Love From Luke

This series is largely based on my reading of Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Communication: The Heart of the Matter. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart

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