The Spirit of Thankfulness

How will they “know we are Christians?” You know the song and the answer, “by our love.” With all our churches around, why do so many people still go hungry? Powered by Jars of Clay singing “One in the Spirit,” this powerful video gives us a Thanksgiving challenge.

Would it Be Thanksgiving

Cooking, decorating, shopping, football, family festivities … these are all ingredients to a full and chaotic Thanksgiving holiday. This thoughtful video reminds us that there are a lot of elements that make Thanksgiving an American holiday, but the main ingredient is giving thanks to God.

The Advent Conspiracy

I like the idea of spending less on ourselves and more on the poor, hurting and lonely in this world around us. I wonder what Jesus would think about what the church (and America) is doing in celebration of His birth.

At King’s Grant we have a Missions Catalogue that lists a half dozen opportunities to give in order to make an eternal difference. Remember that John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world that He gave…”

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Worship Fully This Christmas

The season is upon us, and so is the need to spend more than we have to give gifts to people who already have so much. Can we get back to modest gifts of love and appreciation in the celebration of the Father giving the greatest gift of all, His Son?

But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. –Galatians 4:4

This is a time of giving, not a time of extravagance.

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. –John 3:16

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