The Family Christmas Card Photo

What is it about the family Christmas card photo that brings out the worst in people? This is an insightful interpretation about the lessons we can learn. The camera captures a typical family as they really are, but the card’s end result is a snapshot of who we can be through the hope of Jesus’ birth.

Stephen and Layla Drifting

Stephen is my 23 year old son with an interesting “hobby,” called drifting. People ask what that means, so I thought I’d post this explanation (below) and a video of Stephen in action. He built his own high performance car (Layla) over the past few years and participates in drifting events, his favorite right now is at Summit Point in West Virginia.

Drifting might be described by most people as going through a corner with your car sideways. While the sideways part is obvious, there is more to it. It’s not just flooring the throttle; it takes a delicate balance to “keep” the car sideways.

Drifters use the term oversteer to refer to going sideways. This basically means steering too much. The car has a natural tendency to oversteer, like when you steer the car either too hard or too fast into the corner and the rear starts coming out. In no time you’ll lose the back tires from gripping to the surface, but there is a way to still be in control when you’re sliding.

The solution is to “oversteer,” and keep the front tires going in the direction you want to go and then to throttle your way out of the corner.

It’s a precise balance of steering, accelerating, braking, shifting and pulling the e-brake to remain in the state of oversteer, or as it is now known; drifting. It really is driving almost beyond the limit of control, right on the edge!

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God’s Grace – the Bridge

This is an unbelievable illustration of what the Father has done for us. He sacrificed his own Son so that all might have life. God’s gift of grace came at a very high price. This bridge operator sacrificed the life of his own son because he knew that the lives of countless others hung on his decision. The people pass over the bridge without a care in the world, oblivious to the sacrifice paid for their salvation. How you see the price God paid to express his grace?

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CBF Global Missions 2010

At King’s Grant we support missions through a variety of channels. We have recently produced a Missions Giving Catalogue that will help our people choose from several organizations into which they can make an eternal investment. The first Sunday in December we will highlight the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Offering for Global Missions with this video:

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