Fostering Contentment

It’s hard to be humble and satisfied living in America. Madison Avenue would have us believe that life is not worth living without the product they are selling; the car, boat, makeup, jeans, beverage… How can we learn to be content?


Most of us are alcoholics when it comes to material things. — Rich Nathan

Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and happy purchase. — John Balguy

If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot. — John Bunyan

God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. — John Piper

Top 10 Ways to Practice Holy Happiness:

  1. Allow your inner peace to shape your circumstances, not vice versa.
  2. Explore the concept of delighting in the person and ways of God.
  3. Hold your desires loosely until confirmed by God’s spirit.
  4. Meditate upon the kingdom abundance and favor that belong to you.
  5. Search out the sacrament of the present moment.
  6. Learn to ask, “what is God up to in this circumstance?”.
  7. Differentiate between what is right and what is comfortable.
  8. Rest in the security that God work all things for good when you are called according to His purpose.
  9. When you are confused or disappointed, trust.
  10. Find your greatest satisfaction in fellowship with you Father.

Church and Community

People today need a place to belong before they come to believe. The church is the body of Christ gathered for worship, fellowship, discipleship and missions. We grow in Christ together, not separated from one another. Many believers would like to recapture what the early church experienced, but how? It takes being real, and vulnerable, taking off the mask and connecting to another person at a meaningful level. This sounds very risky; are you willing to take the risk?


A striking feature of worship in the Bible is that people gathered in what we would call “holy expectancy.” They believed that they would actually hear the voice of God. It was not surprising to them that the building in which they met shook with the power of God. — Richard Foster

Rather than growing bigger churches, we should be concerned with growing bigger Christians. — Rich Mullins

In the essentials-unity; in the non-essentials-freedom; in all things-love. — John Wesley

Top 10 Ways to Build Community:

  1. Use self-disclosure to get real.
  2. Listen more than you talk.
  3. Ask good questions to uncover meaning.
  4. Have fun! Don’t make everything overtly spiritual.
  5. Use your spiritual gifts to encourage others.
  6. Balance activity inward, outward and upward.
  7. Serve those outside your community as a community.
  8. Share the significant issues of your past.
  9. Probe one another’s dreams for the future.
  10. Love one another practically and consistently.

Sustaining Commitment

Another one of those basic needs for a new (or long time) believer is to become committed to the faith he professes. Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk. While God never promises a life of ease or that we will never find ourselves in the midst of turmoil, He does promise to go through the pit with us.

Hold fast to the commitments we have made to God and others. Don’t give up. I heard Dave Ramsey say just the other day, “Don’t Quit” to a seminar of 20 Entrepreneurs and leaders across the country.


Confidence thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Obedience to the call of Christ nearly always costs everything to two people–the one who is called, and the one who loves that one. — Oswald Chambers

I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness. — Mother Teresa

I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. — Hudson Taylor

Top 10 Practices to Sustain Your Commitment:

  1. Worship: renew your vision of the one you love.
  2. Remembrance: remind yourself of God’s past faithfulness.
  3. Planning: set goals and strategies toward your spiritual calling.
  4. Prayer: cultivate intimacy with the one to whom you are committed.
  5. Fellowship: jointly own each other’s failures and successes.
  6. Study: use books and the Bible to equip and inspire.
  7. Solitude: reflect on your motivations for a life of faith.
  8. Faith: actively trust in the character and promises of God.
  9. Meditation: interpret the purposes of God in difficulty.
  10. Passion: put faith in motion to see the results of your commitment.

Discerning God’s Will

One of the foundational desires for a new believer is to discover God’s will, but the question posed is generally something like, “What is God’s will for my life?” I submit that we often ask the wrong question. We should rather ask, “What is God’s will?'” and then realign our lives in that direction. I don’t buy that God has a specific will all drawn out for each person. He has set into place a series of principles for us to follow and it is up to us to discover how to follow Him in obedience. (I can write a whole lot more on the topic, but will save that for another time).


Shine. Make ’em wonder what you’ve got. Make ’em wish that they were not on the outside looking bored. — Steve Taylor, Newsboys

Your career should be true to your inner wiring, your set of gifts and abilities, your passions. Otherwise, it’s just a job. — The New Rebellion

We serve God by serving others. The world defines greatness in terms of of power, possessions, prestige, and position. If you can demand services from others, you’ve arrived. In our self-serving culture with its me-first mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular concept. — Rick Warren

The Top 10 Tools for Discerning God’s Will:

  1. Prayer – bring your concerns and confusion to God.
  2. Listening – tune in to the responses from His heart.
  3. Community – hear God’s perspectives from those who know you best.
  4. Counsel – receive illumination from your spiritual authorities.
  5. Scriptures – look for God’s direction from His reveled Word.
  6. Passion – recognize the deep longings God has planted in you.
  7. Gifting – release the unique abilities God placed within you.
  8. Opportunity – consider the natural doors God opens supernaturally.
  9. Joy – welcome the Spirit’s confirming presence upon right choices.
  10. Confirmation – find where the above tools converge.

The New Rebellion

I found a provocative book called The New Rebellion Handbook: A Holy Uprising Making Real the Extraordinary in Everyday Life. Here are but a few thought provoking items from it. I would encourage all who seek to join this army to purchase the book and support the authors.

Rebellion occurs when oppression reaches a level that we can no longer tolerate in good conscience. It occurs when our vision for extraordinary living is more compelling than our urge for comfort. Materialism numbs us while distraction and apathy work on us from the inside.

The new rebellion is calling today’s generation, people who are disillusioned with the MTV culture and half-hearted Christianity. This rebellion equips us with powerful tools for partnering with God to change His world. This rebellion is for those who are intensely passionate about Jesus and are determined to live a purposeful life. We have a nothing-is-impossible mindset. Jesus is not meek and mild, but mighty and wild!

The book has 24 real-world, cutting-edge themes of life. This book is a wealth of resources; fresh ideas, Web sites, book, music, stories from ancient and contemporary figures (rebels themselves) who offer a compelling invitation into kingdom purpose. I’ll share the information here over the next few weeks.

The Top 10 Reasons to Join the New Rebellion:

  1. You are intensely passionate for Jesus and His kingdom.
  2. You really want to live a life of eternal significance.
  3. You resent the apathy that derails many of Jesus’ followers.
  4. You’re willing to swim against today’s social currents.
  5. You know God is already stirring your heart for action.
  6. You’re looking for tools to empower your purpose.
  7. You want to live out God’s ancient wisdom in a relevant way.
  8. You desire to experience God and invite others into that experience.
  9. You’re absolutely dedicated to Christ’s lordship in your life.
  10. You’re ready to move in the power and authority of God.

The information listed in this category is from the book.