Commands Class Introduction

These are the notes from my new class called, Walking In His Steps. Perhaps these will be a reminder of what we talked about in class. The notes are located just to the right, labeled the Commands of Christ.

If you are seeking a class to attend, maybe join us in the sanctuary at King’s Grant Baptist Church on Sundays at 9:45 am.

The main point about our purpose is that Jesus gave us the Great Commission, and as it says in Evangelism Explosion, “His last command is my first concern.”

  • The Purpose: The Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20
  • The Task: Make Disciples, 28:19, Imperative
  • The Process: a Three-fold Process, with Participles

In dissecting the main parts of Matthew 28:19-20, the main verb is our command to “make disciples.” The other verbs in this sentence are participles, so the command is not to GO, BAPTIZE, and TEACH, but to make disciples. A participle supports the main verb, for instance “as you are going” make disciples; baptize those whom you are making into disciples; as you are making disciples, teach them. So, how and what are we to teach them?

  1. ALL – let’s not pick and choose our favorite passages, or pet doctrines, ignoring the harder sayings, warnings, and difficult teachings.
  2. I – remember who is doing the teaching, it’s not about me or some famous Bible teacher, it is all about Jesus.
  3. COMMANDED – we are going to take a look at the imperative statements of Jesus throughout the gospels.
  4. YOU – we are not supposed to teach that which we have not learned ourselves, so it is of vital importance to embrace the commands of Christ, wrestle with them, submit to them, apply them… I cannot impact others if God’s Word has not already impacted me.

Next week we are going to take a look at WHY we should obey the commands of Christ. What are the benefits? What does my obedience to the commands of Christ accomplish?

[Based on my classes with Richard D. Leineweber, Jr. c. 2000]