Values of a Relational Leader

The church is not supposed to be just spinning it’s wheels with lots of activities. It’s more than a social organization where people can get together. It’s more than a club that has an exclusive “members only” policy. We are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13, 14, John 12:46). We have a great message (1 John 1:5) and provide hope (1 Timothy 1:1, 5, Hebrews 6:19, 1 Peter 1:21) for hurting people and families. There’s a place for any person of any age with a message that is applicable to all people.

Leaders set the pace. Let me suggest that we adopt these ten values to live by. They’re the relational characteristics that each person in the discipleship ministry should hold as important and strive to embody.  So, as relational leaders we value…

A Willingness to Engage

It’s important to overcome fear and continually approach and engage all kinds of people in our ministry. Leaders should be on the lookout for new people, approach people who are new or unfamiliar, and be familiar enough with the total church program to direct and escort guests to where they need to be. If people are unwilling to come on their own, we should go up to them (John 5:40).

  1. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 – We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.
  2. 1 Thessalonians 2:8 – Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.
  3. 2 Corinthians 12:15 – I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls If I love you more, am I to be loved less?
  4. 1 John 3:16 – We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Laughter and Fun

It’s important to lighten up and enjoy the many blessings God has given to us. If there’s no fun in what we do, why would anybody want to be a part of it? We have a serious message, but we should be the first people to share the joy we have in our lives.

  1. John 10:10 – I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (or more abundantly).
  2. Psalm 126:2-3 – We celebrated with laughter and joyful songs. In foreign nations it was said, “The LORD has worked miracles for his people.” And so we celebrated because the LORD had indeed worked miracles for us.
  3. Isaiah 25:9 – Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.

Transparency and Authenticity

It’s important to be yourself, lower the mask, and be vulnerable with each other and the people we serve. If we put forth a spirit that we have it all together, having no struggles, God just blesses all the time, we then come across as a super-Christian and people can’t really identify with us, or will feel this is not the place where they fit in. We don’t glory in our sin, but how God uses our weaknesses to bring Himself honor and glory is another story. Sharing how God was with us through trial and trouble goes a long way.

  1. 1 Corinthians 2:3-4 – I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.
  2. 1 Corinthians 1:26 – Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
  3. 2 Corinthians 11:30 – If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness.
  4. 2 Corinthians 12:5 – On behalf of such a man I will boast; but on my own behalf I will not boast, except in regard to my weaknesses.
  5. 2 Corinthians 12:9 – “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.


It’s important to be positive and uplifting to everyone. It’s not putting on a mask to hide inner feelings, but we should be positive and encouraging; people should feel better about who they are after being around you.

  1. 1 Thessalonians 5:12 – Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.
  2. 1 Corinthians 16:18 – For they have refreshed my spirit and yours, therefore acknowledge such men.
  3. 1 Timothy 5:17 – The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.
  4. Philippians 2:22 – But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father.

Being “Others Oriented”

It’s important to put others first. Live to give and care more for the comfort of another than for yourself. The JOY class really has the title right Jesus is first, others are next and yourself is third. I remember a YMCA camp in Alabama that had signs all over the place, “I am Third.” I like that!

  1. Romans 12:10 – Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
  2. Philippians 2:3 – Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
  3. 1 Peter 2:17 – Honor all people, love the brotherhood,
  4. 1 Peter 1:22 – Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart,

Communicating Care

It’s important that we care for our people and for each other. The cliché is true… people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. How can we each encourage someone else this week? How can we encourage our people to be more than just a Sunday attender, but live it out during the week, and reach out to their neighbors? Do we really care about people, their needs and their spiritual condition?

  1. John 13:34-35 – Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
  2. John 15:12, 17 – This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
  3. 1 Corinthians 9:24 – Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.
  4. Romans 13:8 – Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
  5. Romans 14:19 – So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.
  6. Romans 15:7 – Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.
  7. Hebrews 3:13 – But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,”

Follow Through

It’s important to be faithful to your commitments to our people, leaders, and this ministry. If we let people down, as a character trait, we really harm the gospel because people see us (as leaders) to be those who walk closely to Christ. It is so important to finish well, to never say that I have served enough and it’s time to pass the baton. Age can keep us from serving the way we used to but we still have tremendous knowledge and experiences that need to be passed on to an awaiting generation. Find a FAT apprentice (Faithful, Available and Teachable) and pass on the valuable ministry into which you have invested your life.

  1. 2 Timothy 4:7 – I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
  2. Acts 20:24 – I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.
  3. 2 Timothy 3:10-11 – Now you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, perseverance, persecutions, and sufferings,

Spiritual Growth

It’s important to be continually and actively growing closer to Jesus. We cannot lead anyone to a place of faith if we have never been there ourselves. A leader continues to grow; he never “arrives.” The best teachers are still students, learning new stuff each week and passing on that which has made a difference in their lives. A teacher does not just lead a lesson but teaches people.

  1. Hebrews 6:1 – Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God.
  2. Ephesians 4:14, 15 – we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.
  3. Luke 6:40 – A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher.


It’s important to pray for our people, each other, our church, and this ministry. We do not minister in our own strength (or we’ll burn out), so it is vitally important to be in a prayer relationship with God! The Spirit’s power is unleashed as we yield to God’s will and draw close to Him. People will come to know the Lord as we pray for them.

  1. Proverbs 2:3-6, – If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
  2. 2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my own people will humbly pray and turn back to me and stop sinning, then I will answer them from heaven. I will forgive them and make their land fertile once again.

Living Intentionally and Invitationally

If we don’t ask… will never have a response.  We need to be asking our people to take the next step in their spiritual journey, and we need to be asking others to come along side us and serve on this discipleship ministry. Spiritual growth or church growth does not happen by accident, but we must be intentional. Our mandate is clear, found in the Great Commission:

  1. Matthew 28:19 – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Zechariah 3:10 – In that day,’ declares the LORD of hosts, ‘every one of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and under his fig tree.
  3. Matthew 22:4 – Tell those who have been invited, “Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast.
  4. Matthew 25:35 – For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in.

A Picture of Power

These are notes for my Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45, a book called Downpour by James MacDonald. Today we will look at being filled with the Holy Spirit.

There is no Christian life apart from Christ in you; Christ is only in you by His Holy Spirit. What are the attributes of the Holy Spirit? (Galatians 2:20, John 14:16-17).

The Holy Spirit is God, not some force of God. The Arians taught that the Holy Spirit was an energy of God, but not a person. Unitarians deny a distinctive personality and personhood of the Holy Spirit. Mormans and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe He is the influence of God but not God.

The Spirit has mind, will, and emotions, just like any person with a soul. He has Intellect or capacity to know (1 Corinthians 2:11), He has emotions and can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30) and has a will giving gifts to whom He desires (1 Corinthians 12:11).  Here are some of the Spirit’s activities:

  • Source of truth – 1 John 5:6
  • Convictor of sin – John 16:8
  • Provider of comfort – John 14:16
  • Gives boldness to witness – Acts 4:31
  • Gives courage to follow – Ephesians 3:16
  • Gives grace to stand – Acts 9:31
  • Gives hope to endure – Colossians 1:11
  • Illuminates God’s Word – John 14:26
  • Prays for God’s people – Romans 8:26-27
  • Advances God’s agenda – John 16:13


Living in the Holy Spirit’s power can only happen when we are filled. If you don’t want what God wants for your life, you are not filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit sets your priorities and goals when He fills your life.

In Ephesians 5:18, the meaning of “being filled” is to be controlled, filled, intoxicated and thoroughly influenced. (Luke 4:28 and Acts 13:45 have a similar understanding of the word). It is to be overcome with a power greater than your own. It is a command, to be filled. It is also in a tense that indicates a continual action, “keep on being filled.” Early believers were filled and were filled again (Acts 2:4, 4:8, 9:17, 13:9). When you drink water in the morning, you get thirsty in the afternoon!

Check out Romans 8:9-13. How does one put to death sinful inclinations? Or get over a private addiction? Or become a man of purity? Or do what’s right? Or stand against sin?

Five confirmations of being filled (Romans 8:14-17):

  1. Is God leading me? (Romans 8:14) God directs our lives, helps us to speak well, do the right thing.
  2. Is God giving me confidence? (Romans 8:15) we no longer live in fear (the future, death, not having enough) but in confidence.
  3. Am I growing in intimacy with God? (Romans 8:15) with a spirit of adoption into God’s family.
  4. Do I feel secure in Christ? (Romans 8:16) we are not meant to doubt our salvation. We should doubt our doubts, not our relationship. When we are insecure, two things may be present: am I grieving the Spirit? (doing things that sadden Him) or am I quenching the Spirit? (not doing that which He has asked me to do)? What have you ignored (1 Thessalonians 5:19)? What is He saying?
  5. Do I draw my identity from Christ? (Romans 8:17) being an heir with Christ. We don’t earn the filling, we simply ask for it.

How to be filled with the Holy Spirit:

  1. Repent of all known sin (Psalm 139:23-24)
  2. Ask God to fill you (Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13)
  3. Believe that He has filled you (John 14:13, Matthew 9:29)

Bill Bright has a Campus Crusade piece that helps us understand the Spirit-filled Life.



A Picture of Grace

These are notes for my Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45, a book called Downpour by James MacDonald. Today we will look at what Jesus was doing on the cross.

What was Jesus Doing on the Cross?

The cross is the signature symbol of the central event in human history. It was a symbol of execution until the second century when Constantine saw a vision of it and banned it as an instrument of execution. Today people are often casual about it and can wear it as a piece of jewelry, without understanding the meaning of the symbol.

He was substituting:

Between two robbers, thieves or better translated, revolutionaries, Jesus took the place of mankind, just as He did for Barabbas (Matthew 27:26). Jesus paid the penalty for us; He took the death that we all deserve (Romans 6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 5:8).

He was scandalizing:

The cross is an outrageous offense that evokes intense reactions from those who are not saved. Look across America at the intense, irrational hatred of Jesus. Why all the illogical animosity toward Jesus Christ? Would people react the same way to Krishna, or Mohammed, a Hindu or the Buddha?

There is an army of darkness that has it’s sights on Christianity. To really live for Christ, we are going to experience this scandalizing hatred (John 7:7, 15:18).

He was suffering:

First century executions were not like today. They wanted to torture and completely humiliate the criminal. For Jesus, the pain was a lesser issue; it was the separation and abandonment that Jesus experienced that caused His suffering (Matthew 27:46).  He was forsaken by the Father and surrounded by darkness.

He was satisfying:

The curtain of the temple was torn in two (Matthew 27:51). The temple represented God’s presence. He lived in the Holy of Holies. The curtain represented that which separates man from God. It was torn from top to bottom, as if God was ripping it apart, saying “the way is now open, come into My presence, the wrath is diverted, My Son paid your penalty.” The debt is satisfied.

Why doesn’t God do something about sin? He did! It is finished (John 19:30).

Four Pictures of Grace.

Grace is undeserved, unmerited, unlearned; and received as a gift. It is not justice (getting what you deserve) or mercy (not getting what you deserve) because grace is getting something that you do not deserve.

Grace that redeems – the penalty is gone:

There was nothing special about any of us; God chose to set His love on us (Colossians 1:14). It is a picture of payment to God; not to come and get us but to pay a price to get us back.

Grace that releases – the power is gone:

Redemption without release is like a mountain climber who stays at base camp. It is not just that we have a home in heaven, but that we can be released from the power of sin here and now. No longer will we be slaves to sin; we have been set free. We have the power to say no to sin. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us today (Romans 6:13, 14).

Grace that reconciles – the prejudice is gone:

Grace causes us to reconcile with every class, race and culture. The walls of separation are broken down (Ephesians 2:14). There are no barriers. The people of God should be the most diverse place on the planet because Christ makes us one, united in spirit. Not only is the wall broken down, but hostility is gone (Ephesians 2:15-16). We must hate every form of prejudice in our society.

Grace that removes – the past is gone:

All sins are wiped away because of the cross (Luke 23:42, 10:33-35, 15:11-31, Matthew 20:8-15). So, where is my debt? It is cancelled (Colossians 2:14). Sometimes the greatest barrier is the way we see ourselves: we don’t feel worthy of God’s love; maybe too ashamed for what we have done or what we were.

Not until we grasp the gravity of our sin problem can we grasp the amazing solution that God has provided by grace. He has redeemed us, released us, reconciled us and removed the shame from us.



A Picture of Repentance

These are notes for my Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45, a book called Downpour by James MacDonald. Today we will look at five marks of genuine repentance.

What is repentance?

Repentance is the funnel through which all personal revival flows. After we have seen God’s holiness and been brought to a place of personal brokenness over our sin, repentance is the first step in the personal cleanup of the wreckage that sin brings. Here are a few passages regarding repentance: Matthew 3:2, 6:12, Luke 15:7, Acts 3:19, 17:30.

Repentance is change inside of me, in every way and at every level. Change not on the outside but in me. There’s a three-part definition: recognition of sin for what it is (heartfelt sorrow) culminating in a change of behavior. I see sin for what it is (changing my mind) and experience heartfelt sorrow (changing my heart). Then I determine to change my behavior (changing my will).

Repentance is a work of God; where God grants repentance (2 Timothy 2:25 (NIV)). It is a gift of God to anyone who wholeheartedly seeks Him. It’s not easy, only God can grant to us repentance from all that we have failed to do on our own.

Here are the five marks of repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9, 10, 11). Paul lists eleven fruits but are grouped here into five categories:

Grief over sin:

We must lose the grip we have that life is all together. We need to feel like a worm and recognize sin for what it is. If we desire to go higher, we must go lower. Here are a few responses of people who have made contact with the Lord: Genesis 18:27, Job 42:6, Isaiah 6:5, Luke 5:8, Revelation 1:17. The essence is heartfelt sorrow and regret over sin. This sin is always against God, not just against other people.

The word used is lupeo, meaning “greatly distressed,” like the feeling the disciples had after hearing Jesus’ announcement of His crucifixion (Matthew 17:23). It is used 26 times in the NT; half of those in 2 Corinthians; half of those right here in this passage.

Repulsion over sin:

See what godly grief has produced in you (2 Corinthians 7:11). To see means to behold; repentance brings with it an urgency about my relationship with God and strong negative feelings toward anything that would injure it. Those activities no longer bring happiness.

Restitution toward others:

Repentance does not demand anything, but it does request reconciliation; it is not concerned with what another person’s part may have been but what my own part has been. I am the one who is to do whatever it takes to make it right. Repentance is concerned about the people who are affected by my sin. We should be innocent in matters (2 Corinthians 7:11) meaning free of guilt, blameless in the eyes of others. Many people what to be right with God but will not make it right with others. We are to be bridge-builders for reconciliation. No more blaming. No more excuses.

Revival toward God:

Repentance brings an obvious restoration I our relationship with God. Your heart will become sensitive to sin, hunger for the Word of God, and crave less the things of the world. Fear is an attitude of the heart that seeks a right relationship to the fear source.  Fear of the Lord is a good thing (Proverbs 9:10, Luke 23:40). It is an increased awareness and respect for God.

All of a sudden church is not a chore for the repentant person, there is a longing and zeal (2 Corinthians 7:11). Bible study is not a burden. Joy in the Lord has returned. There is a realization that life is temporary. Revival is renewed interest in God after a period of indifference and decline.

Moving Forward:

We are to move forward and not look back; no “if only’s…” that bring regret (2 Corinthians 7:10). Repentance without regret! Move beyond self-punishment that is stuck in the past and won’t move toward the future. Worldly grief produces death, separation from God and hell for eternity. Let’s keep these five marks of repentance in the forefront.



A Picture of Brokenness

These are notes for my Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45, a book called Downpour by James MacDonald. Last time the lesson was on holiness, and it was significant to point out that we need to know what holiness is, because God expects us to be holy (1 Peter 1:16).


Drop the umbrella:

We have an umbrella that keeps the showers of God’s blessings from reaching us, it is called sin. Sin is not in the neighborhood, or in the newspaper; it’s in the mirror. If you have ever asked the question of why you don’t feel as close to God as you used to, the answer is sin. You can study the Bible all day and serve faithfully in the church, but the bottom line is that you have to deal with sin; and deal with it God’s way.


We must take sin seriously because it brings God’s wrath (Romans 1:18). We fail to conform to God’s Word and His standard. Hamartia is the word for missing the mark or target. And missing it brings death (Romans 3:23).


The origin of sin goes back to the Garden of Eden; they chose their own way and did the one thing God told them not to do (Genesis 3:6-7). From then on we have passed on a sin nature to all mankind, like a genetic disease. This makes every unbeliever an enemy of God.


The extent of our sin:

We all are sinners, to claim anything else would be self-deceit. When we acknowledge it, we forget it is a slippery slope that leads to ruin. Sin intends to do much harm:


  • Sin will pursue you (Genesis 4:7, 11, 12) by crouching at the door and desiring us.
  • Sin will disappoint you (Hebrews 11:25) by bringing pleasure for only a short time.
  • Sin will trip you up (Hebrews 12:1) by spotting your weakness and catching you off-guard.
  • Sin will enslave you (Romans 6:16) by making you obey through addiction.
  • Sin will expose you (Proverbs 28:13, Number 32:23) by bringing your secret sin into the open.


Sin is my choice:

There are no excuses like, everybody’s doing it, or it’s not that bad, or I haven’t hurt anyone. Sin suppresses the fact of God’s existence (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Theologians call this our God-consciousness. You’ve got to work hard to suppress the sense that somebody’s out there. He sees me and is keeping track. Sin is the attempt to push this sense down.


Your conscience accuses you; that internal alarm that knows right from wrong. No one can plead ignorance, God has made himself clearly seen (Romans 1:19), and He has written it on our hearts (Romans 2:14-15). Can you let your conscience be your guide? Nope!


  • Your conscience is conditioned by what you know. The more you get into God’s Word, the more tender your conscience gets.
  • Your conscience is conditioned by what you do. It is made tender by doing right and becomes calloused when you do wrong. It is possible to sear your conscience, and actually lose the capacity to feel pain (1 Timothy 4:2).


Creation shouts the existence of God (Psalm 14:1) so it is foolish to say there is no God. We are without excuse, and have no defense.


Sin is destroying your mind, causing you to think foolishly (Romans 1:21 – meaning pointless or in futility). Thinking becomes soft or logically unsound. When sin drives decisions, a lot of foolish thinking will follow. (See questions on p. 119 in the book). Sin so distorts our thinking that we begin to invent a god that will actually agree with us (Romans 1:22-23).


A slippery slope:

We often do not fully consider the consequences of lingering in sin; but must see the slippery slope that will cause us to tumble. The author mentions three broad categories of sin: pride, pleasure and priorities.


Pride is self-centered thinking, made up of three elements: position, prestige and power.

  • Position – it focuses on thoughts of superiority in relation to others because of the role you have attained.
  • Prestige – it has a consuming need for recognition, being watched by others and a desire for others to pat you on the back. It is dropping names and listing accomplishments.
  • Power – it is an inappropriate use of influence, to force people to do something not in their best interest. Then taking pride in the ability to affect others this way.


Pleasure is not sinful, since God supplies things for us to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17). It becomes sin when we seek to pursue it at the wrong time, with the wrong person or in the wrong amount.

  • Sex – it is out of control in our world today and has made serious headway in the church. It can seriously hurt and degrade like a bad cavity when out of the boundaries God has set.
  • Substance abuse – it dulls the need to rely upon God, and it used to take off the edge or dull the pain of life. It keeps you from seeing how much you really need God.  God wants you under His power and nothing else (1 Corinthians 6:12).
  • Stuff – it is not wrong to have things; it is wrong when things have us (Psalm 62:10). Pursuing stuff in the wrong amount, at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons is sin.


Priorities describe the good that is left undone (James 4:17).

  • Priority of personal care – it is not taking care of yourself. Since we belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) we are to care for ourselves. Overeating, failure to exercise, refusal to rest, etc. sound familiar?
  • Priority of others – it is making relationships a priority, rather than closing up or withholding yourself from others, failure to forgive others (Ephesians 4:32) and failure to love.
  • Priority of relationship with God – Only you can answer this: are you loving Christ with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? Are you walking with God?



Cultivate the discipline of calling your behavior that fails to keep God’s law what it really is, sin. We need to give God unlimited access and ful permission to shine His light into every dark corner of our souls. I will bring the handout on page 125 to class on Sunday.



A Picture of Holiness

These are notes for my Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45, a book called Downpour by James MacDonald.


What is holiness?

Holiness is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but what is it? Not to make a play on words, but it revolves around your view of God; that He is exalted, sitting high on the throne in heaven, transcendent and separate from His creation. In Hebrew the word is qodesh and in Greek it is hagios, and both mean “to be set apart.” He is majestic, set apart, and there is nothing like Him (Exodus 15:11). When we think of holy we must think separated.


At the core of our sinfulness is our desire to usurp God. Adam and Eve listened to the lie that they could be like God (Genesis 3:5). In the New Testament, every human has exchanged the truth for a lie and worship the creation rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25). We desire to reduce this thing called holiness so that there is seemingly no separation between God and mankind.


Holiness describes separation:

Heavenly throne room scene 1 – Isaiah 6:1 describes a heavenly scene, when Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up. John 12:41 tells us that it was the pre-incarnate Christ that Isaiah saw (a theophany). John 1:18 mentions that no one has ever seen God; remember that He is separate from anything we know.


  • “I saw the Lord sitting.” He was not pacing or worried, but sitting in authority.
  • “I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne.” God is continually worshipped beyond space and time. The throne is high, so that even sinless angels will know God is separate from everything.
  • “And His train of His robe filled the temple.” At Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953, she had a train that went down the isle and out the back door; a fitting symbol of her splendor. Here the train fills the temple, back and forth, packing the house. Who is like our God? (Deuteronomy 33:29, Psalm 35:10, 89:8). The question is rhetorical!


Heavenly throne room scene 2 – Ezekiel 1:1, 3-4 has another scene different from Isaiah. The common theme is that if you have seen heaven you’ve seen the throne. Ezekiel is having a hard time finding words to describe it; using likeness 10 times and appearance 16 times. But when he sees it, he had to get down low (Ezekiel 1:27, 28). This emphasizes separation.  Today, we have lost this view of God because we see Him as near, approachable and our BFF. We have lost the reverence of Him being lofty, separate, holy and exalted. A casual view of God leads to cheap grace; and shallow sanctification on our part. We forget that no man can see God and live (Exodus 33:20) and that He is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Basically our view of God is too small.


Holiness demands caution:

Be careful; be very, very careful. Isaiah does not go on to describe God, but rather the angels around Him (Isaiah 6:2). Even they fear gazing upon God, that He could consume them in a moment, so they cover their eyes and don’t want God to look at them. Even these sinless seraphs don’t want His holiest of eyes to look at them. They emphasize a “carefulness” around God.


Heavenly throne room scene 3 – There is a Great White Throne in Revelation 20:11, like the garments at the transfiguration, being exceedingly white (Mark 9:3). Even the earth will see His holiness and retreat (2 Peter 3:10). Our sinful “casualness” in the presence of God is amazing, that we believe we could run the world better than God, or we would want to give God a piece of our mind.


Holiness declares God’s glory:

The angels sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” back and forth as they praise God. The universe declares His glory. The weather declares His glory (notice what is called acts of God). The earth is full of glory (earth’s axis being at 23 degrees to the sun). The solar system declares His glory (1.3 million of our earth could fit inside the sun). Not only is He Creator, but in Him all things are held together (Colossians 1:17). The universe declares His glory (140 billion galaxies in the universe; like 140 billion peas would fill a football stadium).


The human body declares His glory: 100,000 miles of blood vessels, a heart beats 100,000 times each day, the body makes 25 billion new cells every second, nerve impulses travel at 426 feet per second (five times faster than lightening), and even a three month old pre-born infant has fingerprints. Psalm 139:14 is very true.


Heavenly throne room scene 4 – it is associated with honor, all to Him and none to us (Psalm 115:1). In Revelation 4:11, the word is worthy, meaning “properly balanced scales.” No amount of praise we give to God will ever tip the scales.


Holiness determines mystery:

Isaiah 6:4 tells us about the ground shaking when He speaks. John was feverishly writing what he saw and then was told to stop (Revelation 10:4-7), which reinforces that fact that some things are going to remain a mystery.


Heavenly throne room scene 5 – This scene comes from Daniel 7:9, 10, where God is called the Ancient of Days and a book is opened. Revelation 20:15 explains the book. Each of us needs to be in this book, and there’s no fooling Him, tricking Him or playing games with God. You are either a new creation or you’re not (2 Corinthians 5:17). We should be changing day by day, pressing on toward the image of Christ (Romans 8:29). The power of sin must be broken for God to begin changing us.



We Need a Downpour

These are notes for my Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45, a book called Downpour by James MacDonald.


A dry and dusty heart

There’s something about a dry spell that gets people talking. The bible is full of garden imagery, like Isaiah 58:11, that the human heart is like a garden. If you weed and water the garden you will experience a bumper crop. We are also instructed to guard our hearts, and take care of it (Proverbs 4:23).


Think about the condition of your heart right now. What one word might describe your heart? The Bible promises that time of refreshing may come (Acts 3:19). Where are you on the scale between parched and refreshed?


What do we mean by revival?

We are not commanded to seek revival, although the Bible frequently mentions people being revived. How would you define revival?


How about this? “Renewed interest after a period of indifference or decline.” It’s getting back on the right track; seeing the goal again; pursuing with a new passion; getting God back at the center of your life.


The cart before the horse

One cannot be revived if you have never been vived! We need to make sure we have already taken steps toward becoming a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).


The invitation

It does not matter how far someone is away from God or how they have been gone, the key is to return (Hosea 6:1-3). Our problems begin when we fail to “return” to the Lord. There is an invitation to “come.” It’s not too late for anyone to return. We also read, “Let us,” indicating that we are not alone, others are on this journey, too. The Hebrew word for return is used over 1000 times in the OT, 23 times in Hosea (like Hosea 5:4, 7:10, 11:5). Hosea encourages us, that good things await those who return to the Lord (Hosea 14:4, 7).


Promises to keep

These promises will keep us going when it gets tough:

  • I promise to be dissatisfied with anything less than a genuine personal experience with God (Matthew 15:8).
  • I promise to set God’s Word high above human teaching and to handle it with the respect it deserves (Acts 17:11).
  • I promise to give God access to every area of my life (1 Corinthians 10:26).
  • I promise to make this study about me and God alone (Matthew 7:5).
  • I promise to put into practice what I am learning (1 Corinthians 8:1).



Returning is a decision, which starts with understanding three things:

  1. Turning to the Lord is recognizing that some things have to go. Get rid of stuff that is harmful and recognize sin for what it is.
  2. Turning to the Lord is repenting of sin, being sorry for what has been done, and moving in another direction, away from sin and toward God.
  3. Turning to the Lord is actually re-turning, to the place where water has once flowed before, wanting what God has for me.


The need for crisis

The author mentions a difference between faith in a crisis and faith in a process. People become followers of Jesus at a turning point, conversion comes in a crisis. It would be good for each of us to share our conversion experience, as time permits in class, otherwise, sharing it with others helps to solidify what has happened.


The author mentioned that while faith comes in a crisis, we wrongly believe that the Christian life will then be a process (called sanctification). “Process-only” sanctification leads to always adding to our faith; gathering more data in Bible study, with hopeful implementation. He says that the crises should not be left in the rearview mirror. We received Christ in faith, so walk in Him (Colossians 2:6). We often change our horizontal behavioral adjustments, but have very little heart transformation.


Through pain to purpose

Hosea 6:1 tells us that God has torn us so that He may heal us. The word torn is like that of a predator. It’s explicit, He is the one who has done this, make no mistake. God is behind the hurt in your life. God is trying to bring another crisis into your life, to move on to another area in your life that He wants to change in you.


Through death to Life

Although He has struck you down, He will bind you up (Hosea 6:1).  Job declares that we should not despise the discipline of the Lord (Job 5:17-18). The surgeon wounds in order to heal; the bone is properly broke to set it; the skin is cut to remove the tumor. We must stop trying to live the Christian life as all process and no crisis.


What if I don’t return?

God would rather see you anywhere else than in rebellion and resistance to His will. His desire is for our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3). God is wiling to do whatever it takes to have you back.


What if I do?

We should know what the Lord expects; it will not be easy (Hosea 6:3). We are to press on to know the Lord. It’s more than just facts about God, it’s understanding the facts (Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27). Knowledge of the Lord is an experience with God. Press on is a military term that can be translated persecute, the way a warrior conquered and then vanquished the enemy. Intentionality and intensity all rolled into one. We must make a commitment; don’t be lazy or sluggish about our faith, get fired up about it.



God’s Spiritual Training Program

My Bible study class is discussing Chip Ingram’s book, The Miracle of Life Change. These few pages are my notes for that class.

Personal Integrity:

Without this area under control, there is no hope for personal transformation. This is what we are to do in this area (Ephesians 4:24-25):

  1. Put off – falsehood
  2. Renew – recognition of shared membership in the body (Ephesians 4:15, 25); the reason
  3. Put on – truthful speech

What do you put off and put on when you train for honesty (Psalm 15:1-5)? Start with little things, like little white lies and exaggerations. Curb the tendency to bend the truth. Chip mentions that we are to “practice confession.” Knowing you will have to go back and apologize might keep us from lying in the first place.

Emotional Control:

This area involves anger (Ephesians 4:26-27, James 1:19-20). There is an anger that does not lead to sin, but anger expressed will often lead to sinful behavior. Uncontrolled anger gives the devil an opportunity. Couples may go to bed mad at each other and the emotion smolders. No one wakes in the morning thinking that yesterday was fine, but today I think I’ll go and wreck my marriage with an affair. But that is how adultery starts, usually with unresolved anger. Chip called this anger vision, when everything she does sets you off and reinforces the reason you’re angry in the first place. Unresolved anger hardens the heart.

  1. Put off – anger that leads to offense and sin
  2. Renew – recognition of dangers that lead to retaining anger
  3. Put on – appropriate expressions of anger

Chip mentioned using “I feel” statements to identify the emotions and talk about the situation. Write the feelings on index cards… I feel angry when you… I feel hurt when you… I feel isolated when you… I feel left out when you…

Financial Stewardship: Work Ethic

Many people grow up with a poor work ethic: go in as late as possible, leave as early as possible, get as little done as possible and get paid as much as possible. Unless you’re the owner, then it’s go in before dawn, stay late because work is all there is. Paul tells them to steal no longer (Ephesians 4:28). This is not a hypothetical situation.

The idea here is that people always seek a short cut, and this mentality affects all areas of life. As an oak tree, things that grow well and last grow slowly. How is you work ethic (Colossians 3:23-24)?

  1. Put off – stealing
  2. Renew – think differently about your work ethic
  3. Put on – work

Diligence (Colossians 3:22) is a quality that comes from good mentors. A work ethic is caught not taught.

Positive Speech:

This area involves the tongue (Ephesians 4:29-30). It can give grace to those who hear, and it can also grieve the Holy Spirit. Words can be positive and negative influences (Proverbs 10:11, 15:1-4, 16:24, 27-28). How’s your speech? Recognize the power of words, that in them can be life or death (Proverbs 18:21), what comes out of the mouth can make or break a person’s day.

The heart is at stake (Luke 6:45) because if you really want to know what is in the heart of a person, listen to what comes out of his mouth. Examine your speech (James 3:2) and remember these haunting words of Jesus (Matthew 12:36).

  1. Put off – negative speech
  2. Renew – give grace to others and avoid grieving the Holy Spirit
  3. Put on – positive, encouraging speech

We ought to practice silence and solitude, get away on a retreat to allow God to transform your mind and practice talking less (Proverbs 10:19).

Holy Positive Attitudes:

This area deals with forgiveness. The putting off involves six different attitudes (Ephesians 4:31) embodied in hate:

  1. Bitterness – deep-seated resentments
  2. Rage – a blow-up type of anger
  3. Anger – describes resentment and negativity that permeates all of life
  4. Brawling (clamor) – shorting and baiting that incites violence
  5. Slander – involves stealth anger, defaming another person
  6. Malice – an evil intent that lies behind the other five

We are to put on three other attitudes (Ephesians 4:32) embodied in love:

  1. Kindness – practice on treating others the way you want to be treated
  2. Compassionate – one that deep down reaches out to help others in need
  3. Forgiving each other – being Christ like, responding to others like Jesus would

Practice the Matthew 5:24 principle. Forget who’s responsible and take responsibility for your own part. After all is said and done, track your progress, others will be (Philippians 1:6, 1 Timothy 4:15). Renew your attitudes to allow God to transform your life.

Why is Living This Life so Difficult?

My Bible study class is discussing Chip Ingram’s book, The Miracle of Life Change. These few pages are my notes for that class.

Ephesians 4:17-24

A believer whose life does not change is an oxymoron; so you best go back and discover if you’re really a Christian. Ephesians 4:17-24 uses strong language: insist and must. Don’t live like the rest of the pagan world, in futility of mind (vain, aimless purposeless, and totally unrelated to God). What does the futility of an unbelieving mind look like (Ephesians 4:18)? What does it mean to live with a darkened heart (Ephesians 4:19)?

It doesn’t make sense for those who know Christ to live as those who do not know Christ. These people have basically stiff-armed God. If you are born again, you are a new creation. Did you understand from the beginning that coming to Jesus would involve a radical life change? If not, do you see it now?

Paul says you heard of Him and were taught in Him (Ephesians 4:21). How can you fall back into the same old immoral lifestyle? The challenge is to put off the old self, renew your mind, and put on the new self (Ephesians 4:22-24).

Life Characterized by Moral Purity:

Paul insists that we must live a holy life, characterized by purity. It’s not an option. Change doesn’t happen to earn God’s favor, but because of who you are and whose you are (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). How then should you live?

A closer look at Ephesians 4:17-19 allows us to see what we are to avoid:

  1. Command: each phrase describes how the Gentiles live. Futility of thinking, darkened understanding, separated from God.
  2. State: a position of those not in Christ, their condition, mentally and spiritually blind.
  3. Reasons: here’s the “why” question; because of ignorance within them, and hardening of their hearts. It’s not intellectual ignorance but spiritual ignorance. Their hearts are like petrified wood.
  4. Applied results: loss of sensitivity, sensuality, every kind of impurity, and a lust for more. Think of a calloused hand, and transfer that to the heart.

Compare these persons as to what they did and did not do, and what they consequently became (2 Chronicles 36:11-13, Nehemiah 9:16-17, Zechariah 7:11-12.

An Immoral Lifestyle is Inconceivable for Believers:

God wants to save us from our destructive patterns that breaks His heart, embarrasses His family and destroys His people (you). We generally find ourselves rationalizing and compromising. The reasons:

It contradicts who we are: we are not what we used to be. Who are you now and what have you become (2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1)?

It contradicts who Christ is: you’ve heard of Him and have been taught and immorality is not what Jesus is all about! The rare phrase “in Jesus” is a historical term. You know what Jesus did on earth. He was not some evil person, but one who lives a sinless and perfect life for all to see. Now live it out: love, be salt and light, experience peace. Remember what first attracted you to Christ. What keeps you in Christ now? A good moral life is simply a natural by-product and reflection of a genuine relationship with God.

The Morphing Process: How to Break from the old Life

According to Ephesians 4:22-24, there are three steps:

Put off the old (Ephesians 4:22, the past): this points to a specific decision in time when you got started in Christ. The most miserable people on the planet are believes stuck in the old life, overshadowed by guilt and shame. They don’t enjoy the sin any long but are slaves to it. Sin affects our fellowship with God and hinders our prayer life. They are fake and superficial. (see Colossians 3:5-10).

Be renewed in the mind (Ephesians 4:23, the present): like a computer that needs to be reprogrammed, Christians need to be involved in discipleship. The commands here are given in second person plural, meaning that we are not supposed to do this alone, but in community. What actions are you taking to renew your mind?

Put on the new self (Ephesians 4:24, the future): live with a new orientation, Christ becoming the central aspect of all you are and intend to accomplish. List the specific clothes that Paul commands us to put on (Colossians 3:12-15).

Application Questions

  1. In what areas of your life did God convict you personally as you thought about putting off the old self?
  2. Where is your life not holy?
  3. In what ways do your thinking actions, speech and attitudes reflect a new you?
  4. What will you do with the threefold principles of transformation?
    1. What will you put off?
    2. How will you renew your mind?
    3. What will you put on… specific behaviors or actions?

God’s Game Plan

My Bible study class is discussing Chip Ingram’s book, The Miracle of Life Change. These few pages are my notes for that class.

Leaders are Gifted to Equip God’s People:

How does one put into practice that which is learned? We will continue in Ephesians 4:11-13, which details God’s design for the church. If we don’t understand what God has designed for the church, we will never be able to tap into the grace that is available there.

Apostles: originally given to someone who received a divine commission, to be sent out, like on a mission from God. It was for those who had been eyewitnesses to the risen Christ and received a divine commission. Today it usually describe those called to start new work; like pioneers and church planters, maintaining the goal of spreading the message.

Prophets: What illustration does Paul use to describe the church (Ephesians 2:19-21)? What is the foundation? A prophet was someone who communicated God’s truth with power, and people’s lives changed because of it. It’s no longer foretelling the future and receiving new revelation from God, but forth-telling a message and proclaiming God Words to others. Prophets today clarify and present the truth of Scripture in a culturally relevant manner.

Evangelists: this is a supernatural ability to share the gospel with others that motivates them to respond. We all have the task of evangelism, but some people have the gift.

Pastors and Teachers: these tend to go together. A pastor is a shepherd, giving oversight, feeding, caring for and giving direction to the faithful. A teacher is someone who communicates God’s truth in a systematic way.

Leadership: Think about what you believer is the role of church leaders today. The actual role of leadership is to equip the saints for the work of ministry! Equip means to restore. Like a compound bone fracture being put back into alignment, or fishermen mending their nets.

Every Member is a Minister:

According to Ephesians 4:12, what is the reason leaders equip and train God’s people? “Works of service” really means ministry. Ministers are just regular people, not just the paid staff at a church. Remember that you have been given a spiritual gift to be used in the service of the kingdom (Ephesians 4:8). So every member of the church is a minister of Christ. You were sealed, adopted and forgiven (Ephesians 4:13-14) and now the task is to discover and practice your gift.

Ministries are to Help Believers Live as Jesus Would Live:

What is the goal of equipping the saints? (Ephesians 4:13)

Until they attain the unity of faith: being connected to the body of Christ. Not just connected by proper theology, but by sharing a common life.

Until they attain the knowledge of the Son of God: knowledge here is ginosko, meaning to know by experience. The word also has a prefix, epiginosko, meaning a deep, personal, intimate knowing. Paul desired to know Christ (Philippians 3:7-10).

Until they become mature: the word is teleios, which we get telescope, referring to a design or pattern. You are designed to become a new person in Christ.

Until they attain the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ: God’s standard is maturity, conforming to the image of Christ.

Here is a passage on maturity – Hebrews 5:11-14.

How to Know if You’re Morphing:

If we are not morphing, or transforming, I dare say we are simply going through religious motions. In Ephesians 4:14-16, we are given a way to measure our transformation, sort of a litmus test on how we’re doing.

Doctrinal Stability (Ephesians 4:14): do you have a settled knowledge of God’s Word? There are a few verses that describe the actions of a doctrinally stable believer (Romans 16:17-18, Colossians 2:8, 1 John 4:1-3).

Authentic Relationships (Ephesians 4:15): a commitment to both people and the truth, to tell it not only when it is convenient or when it works for you. Do you have people in your life to whom you speak the truth in love, and that speak the truth in love to you? (Proverbs 27:5-6).

Full Participation (Ephesians 4:16): coming from the words whole, every and each. Individual parts being held together, like the construction of two boards with a hinge. The body of Christ depends upon you, and you depend upon the body of Christ. You do not just look out for your own needs, but for others.

Growing Capacity for Love (Ephesians 4:16): Paul uses the term agape, which is God’s sort of love; unconditional, I love you anyway. It’s not an emotional response but a supernatural love.

Diagnostic Tool:

Rate yourself, or let a friend do it for you, on these statements:

  1. I am currently involved in activities and training that are equipping me to do the work of ministry.
  2. I am currently participating in intentional, meaningful, biblical worship on a regular basis.
  3. I am currently in an apprentice or mentoring relationship with an older believer that is stimulating my spiritual growth.
  4. I am currently ministering and building into the lives of others
  5. I am becoming more like Jesus in my everyday life, evidenced by a desire to read the Bible, disciplined study, and the ability to recognize false teaching.
  6. I am currently more like Jesus in everyday life, as evidenced by enjoying deep authentic relationships in Christ.
  7. I am currently in a small group where speaking the truth in love is common, and personal accountability is expected.
  8. I am currently becoming more like Christ in everyday life, as evidenced by a desire to become deeply committed to God’s people, to worship, to learning, to serving, to meeting needs; a clear sense of where I fit into the body of Christ; and I am loved by others.