Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Have seen the show? Sort of humbling as they ask questions, isn’t it? Think about all of the knowledge that you have acquired over the years, and how much of it has long since been forgotten? But when you think about it, we rarely forget the wis­dom we have gained over the years. In this passage of Scripture, we read about the wisest guy who ever lived. When asked by God, “What should I give you?” (2 Chronicles 1:7), Solomon was smart enough to ask God for both wisdom and knowledge (2 Chronicles 1:10).


It Takes Wisdom and Knowledge

Solomon could have asked for anything he wanted, he had a blank check from God… money, power, women, world peace, a fast bass boat… but he showed that he was wise beyond his years when he recognized that he needed both wisdom and knowledge to effectively lead his people. Knowledge was not enough for him and it’s not enough for us either. A wise person uses knowledge to live properly and to live well.


These two prerequisites for effective leadership haven’t changed since the time of Solomon. They are timeless and they apply to leadership at any level. Regardless of your job description and title, you are a leader in some way. Leadership is simply the art and science of influencing others. Good sources of knowledge aren’t too hard to come by—you can find out about almost any subject on the Internet and what you don’t find there you can probably read in a book. Finding good sources of wisdom, however, tends to be a little more difficult.


Wisdom is more caught than taught. Who are the wise people that you consider your role models? What men do you know that appear to have it together in their marriage, or in raising their children, or in their career? What can you learn from them? Are you teachable? Are you willing to learn from others? How often do you claim to have it all together when just below the surface you are wounded, scared, disappointed and desperate?


Wisdom is a Process

When we think of various sources of wisdom, we often think of the “school of hard knocks.” Experience can be a good teacher, but a wise person prefers to learn from the good and bad experi­ences of others rather than having to learn every­thing the “hard way” himself. A wise person also reads the Bible, and when he reads, he asks God to help him truly understand what he’s reading and how to apply it. He asks God to help him see the connections between things, see the bigger picture. In other words, he asks God to make him wise.


Remember that wisdom is not out of reach, you just need to go to the right source, to the one who can give it to you. (James 1:5).


No Forgiveness For You

This is part three (my teaching notes for this Sunday’s lesson) on the tough sayings of Jesus. [ Part One ] [ Part Two ]


How often do you find yourself knowing the boundaries, yet pushing yourself to the very edge, just to see how far you can go without crossing the line? Kids do it, and we never grow out of it!


Rules provide security because we know what to expect. Think about reality TV, like Survivor. Just when you think you know the rules, this season brings a change that no one expected. The Bachelor (ABC’s reality show featuring a somewhat handsome yet morally despicable fellow) makes a choice, hands out a rose to the ones he desires to keep around, and then one day at the end of each one-on-one date, he decides who goes and who stays right there, to the amazement of the contestants and the audience as well. After these types of twists and turns, the level of distrust, hatred and insecurity will rise. Just when you have life all figured out, the rules change without warning.


The same is true in our relationship with God. How do rules meet needs deep inside of us? What are some of the rules (or expectations) in your relationship with God?


Matthew 12 has a serious plot twist in the Jesus story. Generally we believe that you can’t out-sin the grace of God, which is what we call a hard and fast rule. But check out Matthew 12:31. How do you interpret what Jesus is saying here? What is this unforgivable sin described here? Why is it so unforgiveable?


Is this what we might call the “fine print” in our relationship with God? Is this the clause in the contract? How do we sin against the Holy Spirit? Have we already done it and are we just condemned dead-people walking around? Unforgiveable sin goes against all we know about God. We can always come back, you can count on it. What sort of life can be so unsecure and ambiguous?


Look at the context. What is happening just before and after this passage? Everyone seems to be confused about the identity of Jesus. Some said He was the Messiah, others wondered how He could be. Then comes this conversation after Jesus heals the man with the withered hand (Matthew 12:9-14) and the demon-possessed man who was blind and mute (Matthew 12:22-28), all done on the Sabbath. The consensus is that Jesus is of the devil; He broke tradition, the Sabbath, and made outrageous claims about His authority.


What are some of the most popular ideas about the identity of Jesus today? What could be the source of some people’s reluctance to acknowledge Jesus as God? Why would He cast out demons if He was working for them? Just what is blasphemy anyway?


Blasphemy is defined as deliberate and defiant sin against God, with a punishment (Numbers 15:30-31). Jesus says this unforgivable sin is only against the Holy Spirit, like say what you want about Me or the Father, but you cross the line by bad-mouthing the Holy Spirit. Why is this sin so devastating?


According the John 16:8, the Holy Spirit’s role is to convict us of sin. What other words can we use that mean convict? The Spirit works to expose our sin. In our tolerant age, we seek enlightenment, with no moral absolutes, and the Spirit steps in to expose the error in that sort of thinking. So, when you continually resist the truth of God that He has exposed to you through the Holy Spirit, when you refuse to listen to Him as He convicts you of the wrongness of your worldview, when you insist that the ways of Jesus are foolishness, then you have shut out your only opportunity for forgiveness.


Forgiveness is offered to those who repent. People repent under the influence of the Holy Spirit. If you do not accept the Spirit’s voice in your life, you will never repent. Resistance belittles the Spirit so much that He withdraws forever, rendering us unable to repent. The heart is hardened, the conscience is seared.


Where’s the encouragement here? Have you ever asked the question, if you had committed this mysterious sin? Those who have committed blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will not question themselves on it. Just this self-examination tells me that someone has not committed it!


How comfortable are you with these mysteries in faith? Why would God want to preserve these mysteries?


Think back to the Pharisees. They did not want answers, they wanted to teach. They were not listeners, but talkers. They were not humble, but proud.


When we ask about life, God’s will, doing the best thing for our lives, and making sure we do not grieve the Spirit, we show a concern for the things of God. This is the paradox in life: we believe, we still have questions, we know, and yet there is a mystery. My faith exceeds my understanding. My faith in who God is in my life is greater than my questions. His love for me is not dependent on my ability to understand the answer to questions. His love for me is a starting point for my journey, not the destination.

You People Are Dogs!

This is week two of the notes in my Bible study class. Week one is here.


We need to rediscover a faith that melts barriers. Check out Matthew 15:21-28, another tough saying of Jesus, quite disturbing, actually.


Some things look better on paper than they do in reality, take sushi for example. We say it’s for a sophisticated palate, food in its most natural state, but in the end it is the food itself that is the problem… it still tastes like raw fish and seaweed.


Christian unity may be another item on the looks-better-on-paper list. We champion it, talk about it, study it, intellectually ascend to the concept of it, yet Christian churches all across the country are divided by different issues of belief or practice or race or style of worship. Many are gathered cliques devoted to its own members.


If there was anyone on this planet who was open to relationships, it was Jesus. He associated with people that society called off-limits.

  • How would describe your racial biases and their sources?

The Church has only one mission… the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). He said to go (which really means “as you are going…) and He assumed that as His followers were going they would make disciples.

  • How do you view sharing the gospel as you go? What does that look like in your life?

The whole point of the gospel was to break down cultural barriers, and that’s the point of the story for today. We believe that we have a set of expectation on how Christians should act while they are on mission for God, but this story causes us to back up and say, “Did I read that right?” This response of Jesus seems to be intolerable (Matthew 15:25-26).


Those Kind of People 

There were obvious racial biases in the Bible, and we deceive ourselves if we believe that we don’t have a prejudice tendencies (due to cultural upbringing or personal experience with a small group of people).


In this region of Tyre and Sidon, in northwest Philistia, were OT symbols of paganism and godlessness. These poster children for God’s wrath and judgment were condemned by Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

  • What do you know about typical Jewish opinion of non-Jews?
  • How do you think the disciples felt about this region?
  • What relationship between people groups in our culture reflects this sort of prejudice?

Beautiful Desperation 

There must have been something about this Gentile women that caused her to approach Jesus in the midst of such hostility, desperation.

  1. She demonstrated that she knew how to approach God, using the very Jewish title, “Son of David.” She was passionate, loud and kept it up, annoying the twelve.
  2. She may have been the ideal person for Jesus to help: she believed He could help, she properly approached Him, passionate about her situation… all the keys to getting a response from God.

How did Jesus respond? First He ignored her, which seemed to suit the twelve. She was wailing, a Gentile woman, a pagan, someone below them and unclean. Ignoring her did not work so Jesus made a subtle statement about her status (Matthew 15:24, Matthew 15:26). Remember that dogs were not the loveable pets like we have today. They were scavengers, filthy and dangerous. Imagine the insult.


Jesus is pleased with her response (Matthew 15:27), and He immediately grants her request.

  • What pleased Jesus in her response?
  • What did her words reveal about her faith?

Purity: Inside Out 

Just before this event, Jesus faced off with the Pharisees, over the issue of cleanliness (Matthew 15:2). They were pretty critical of Jesus ministry already and Jesus was quick to defend His friends, claiming that their omission didn’t have anything to do with real purity. Purity is an internal matter of the heart. So, it’s not about where you live, or your race. So Jesus explains purity in the most unclean place imaginable.

  • How do you define purity?
  • How do you differentiate between inner and outer purity?
  • What is the most unclean place you know?

The disciples were uncomfortable, they felt dirty, and this woman showed them what being clean is all about. The woman seems to play along (Matthew 15:27). Her expression of need is the ideal picture of purity. We need to change our picture of purity. We think we need to clean ourselves up and then come to Christ.  Jesus commends this woman’s moral perfection in knowing how much she needed Him. In this dirty place Jesus finds something clean.


Need of Him

She was desperate, not thinking about how this must have looked or about her motivation. Jesus saw the purity of her desperation, the thing the Pharisees and His disciples lacked. When we express our need for God it says something about God. Society frowns on being needy and asking for help, but we are to come to God with empty hands and allow Him to be the Provider.

  • In what ways do you feel comfortable (or not) talking about your own needs that drive you toward God?

Minister in Your Workplace

Perhaps you saw the Mel Gibson movie, The Passion of the Christ. It was all about last twenty-four hours of Jesus’ life. During one flashback scene, Jesus was in his carpentry shop making a table with his mother standing by playfully observing. It was a beautiful scene that reminded me that Jesus was a carpenter for most of his life. In fact, in the eyes of the people, Jesus was more qualified to be a carpenter than the Son of God. Jesus had a history of which they all knew. He was a young working class man from Nazareth.


I recently read Os Hillman as he comments on the public life of Jesus:

Consider that in the New Testament of Jesus’ 132 public appearances, 122 were in the marketplace. Of 52 parables Jesus told, 45 had a workplace context. Of 40 miracles in the book of Acts, 39 were in the marketplace. Jesus spent his adult life as a carpenter until age 30 before he went into a preaching ministry in the workplace. And, 54% of Jesus’ reported teaching ministry arose out of issues posed by others in the scope of daily life experience. Saint Bonaventure said, “His doing nothing ‘wonderful’ (his first 30-years) was in itself a kind of wonder.”

Work, in its different forms, is mentioned a lot in the Bible; more than all the words used to express worship, music, praise, and singing combined. God created work and He is a worker Himself (Gen 2:1-2). Adam is given a task way before the fall; he is to work the garden (Gen 2:15). Jesus tells us about the work of the Father, and that He, too, is to be at work (John 5:17).

My point is that the next time you are tempted to minimize your daily work as anything less than a holy calling, remember that Jesus was a minister in the workplace; a carpenter in his community. He has called you and me to reflect His glory in our everyday work.


Harmony in Your Marriage

Take a look at 2 Timothy 2:24. Basically we are refrain from quarreling, and be kind to people. Sometimes it’s hard to do that! But in reality, who said the Christian life was easy? What about living this out in your marriage?


Quarreling in a marriage can become a problem; I’m not just talking about disagreements. I recently read this observation and illustration:


“Women look at the world through pink sun­glasses, while men look at that same world through blue sunglasses—and, believe me, they do not necessarily see the same thing!


“My favorite illustration of this is when a wife says, ‘I have nothing to wear,’ she means she has nothing new to wear. When her husband says, ‘I have nothing to wear,’ he means he has nothing clean to wear. Each uses the same words but means something differ­ent based on pink and blue views!”  —Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Cracking the Communication Code.


Avoid a Bad Connection

Breakdowns in communication between men and women are not exactly rare. Imagine this, a husband leaving the house may yell in his wife, “Honey, I’m going out to buy a hammer.” Harmless, right? Well, it depends. If it comes after a week of late nights at the office and compounding emotional separa­tion, the wife may actually hear, “Hey, what’s-your-face, I’d rather roam the hardware store instead of be with you.”


Conversely, a well-meaning wife may offer her time to spruce up the yard, but the husband hears her words as a backhanded attack on his ability to get things done.


Communication between the genders can be com­plex. Men and women process life differently, and our understanding of the conversa­tion or action will often differ dramatically. Most of this meaning-seeking is harmless, but if there are any lingering grudges based on real or imagined prior offenses, the next conversation can go in the wrong direction in a hurry.


Strive to Live in Harmony

In 1 Peter 3:8-9, Peter encourages husbands and wives to “be compassionate and humble, not paying back evil for evil or insult for insult but, on the contrary, giving a blessing.” What great advice! Rather than simply fly off the handle at anything that even sounds like it might be the least bit critical, we husbands need to exercise self-control and seek to listen and understand before anything else.


Overreacting often leads to marital conflict.


You Have to Give Up Everything?

These are notes to my lesson for the New Beginnings class on Sunday, January 4th, so if this post seems a little disjointed you’ll know why. Week two is found here.


Imagine the difference between a salad vs. a salad bar? Think about it; once everything is piled up can you really call it a salad?

  • Traditional methods are plenty in the church – evangelism, outreach, Bible study…
  • Which evangelism methods do you know?
  • Do they all come down to a verse to memorize and a prayer to pray?
  • This encounter seems too easy.

Look at Jesus in action – Mark 10:17-31.


Jesus could have said, “Your question is flawed, you can’t DO anything…” Jesus never mentions faith! In fact, He tells him he has not done enough!

  • When have you felt that you needed just one more thing to do to get this spiritual life thing right?
  • What is the relationship between what you do and what you believe?

Who was the rich young ruler?

Matthew mentions he was young, Luke mentions he was a ruler. He ran to Jesus, what does this action indicate? He humiliated himself publicly! What sort of profile can you build based on his question?


Two facts:

  1. He calls Jesus “good” (a word not lightly used, in fact it really referred to God alone, so, he had already come to some serious conclusions about Jesus).
  2. The man was at the end of his rope (he’s running, in the wind, in the dust, kneeling, asking an question – with an answer anyone would know).

The man’s unfair reputation over the years:

  • Is he proud, self-righteous, spoiled, and haughty?
  • Perhaps he’s more like a disillusioned church kid who knew all the right answers, done the right stuff but still feels unfulfilled.

Keep the Law?

Two times the disciples are amazed – why at Jesus’ response here?

  • This guy more than anyone else was blessed – he had money, power, position…
  • If one is poor, hungry, sick, you were definitely not blessed by God.
  • Jesus asked this guy to get rid of everything that was considered a blessing of God.
  • Beatitudes: blessed are the poor, not the rich. A redefinition of what it means to be blessed by God. How do you define blessing? Are you blessed?

Another shock for the twelve? It’s not about doing, it’s about receiving! But Jesus’ response goes against all we know about grace. Yet in the midst of all the rule-keeping, he had missed something.


The Hidden Key? Mark 10:21

Jesus loved him before he did anything else, even before the man refused to do this one more thing.  We want to reverse the order, do something, and then receive the love.

  • When have you felt that Jesus is judging your performance? That He’ll love you more if you do better?
  • When you are well connected to Jesus, how is life affected?
  • In what ways do you feel that you need to prove your love for God?
  • What other relationships do we have where we need to justify why you deserve to be in that relationship?

Identity Check

Consider how people define themselves. Imagine you’re at a party, what is the usual conversation? Our identity appears to be wound up in what we do.

  • What three things do you usually tell people about yourself?
  • How important are career and achievement to your identity?
  • How many friends REALLY know you, not just know facts about you?
  • How well do you feel that you know yourself?

Career, education, position, family name… all can crumble around us, but who are we? Here’s the point of the story. This is the question Jesus was trying to get the young ruler to ask: The man knew how people defined him (like us, as a rich young ruler), Jesus wanted to get to his core, so selling his possessions, even considering it, would strip this man of his identity. In this life crisis, he could define himself the way Jesus wanted. In what was his faith?


The identity question can only be answered in the moment of crisis, when your life is altered or threatened. Who was the rich young ruler when all of his possessions were gone? That’s the point Jesus was moving him towards. How do I know? Mark 10:13-16.


Become like children

In this society children were not really people. They offered nothing to mainstream culture. But for Jesus, these nobodies embodied the qualities that were kingdom-worthy. Jesus wanted this man to embrace nothingness to experience the kingdom. The old things have passed away, behold all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Nobodies don’t rely on trivial marks of identity. Their significance comes from a deeper source!


The rich young ruler could not embrace an existence where he brought nothing to the table. He could not stomach the crisis of nothingness.


Can you hear the Scripture? Can you feel Jesus trying to pull from your fists whatever is keeping you from true poverty, and thus, true wealth? Go and sell your self-righteousness, sell you drams of fame and fortune, sell your popularity, sell you comfortable future, come and trust Me…


Are you living a life defined by Jesus? Is there anything in life that you need to trade off so you can have true faith?

Communicating With Your Children

I recently read a story about Ken…


“Ken squandered many opportunities to connect deeply with his sons, to communicate things that would have made their lives better. But he is thankful for those times when they did connect more than superficially—the breakfasts before school, the weekend “guy trips,” the bedtime conver­sations and prayers. The love and respect they now have for one another testifies to the effectiveness of those occasions and God’s mercy and grace.”


The Bible is full of wisdom when it comes to life and relationships, and Proverbs 5:1 tells us about a father desiring to pass on life insights to his son. Although in context this passage refers to a father warning his son about the temptation and enticement of women, I believe that we can broaden the appeal of this verse to include fathers desiring to pass on wisdom and life lessons to all of our children, not just sons.


We want our children to pay attention to our “wisdom” because we don’t want them to go through the same things that we did; the pain, the hurt, the mistakes, the sorrow, many things about which we are not proud (and we keep from telling our kids). But when we share life wisdom, are they listening?


The Same Old Story

Much has been written about the conflict between fathers and sons. Throughout history they have often struggled to understand each other, get along with each other, respect each other, accept each other, and even love each other. No national­ity, religion, or generation seems exempt from this struggle.


We shouldn’t find it surprising, then, that father-son conflicts are found throughout litera­ture, including the Bible. The tragic relationship between King David and his son Absalom (2 Samuel 13-19) is a classic example. Yet, by the grace of God, some fathers and sons have largely avoided this struggle. How have they done it?


Writing Your Own Story

The trite but not-too-surprising answer is usually something like “you need to have good com­munication.” Of course, the time to start working on that is always now, but how to do it may vary based on the age of your kids. Maybe this can help:

  • Put your children on your calendar. If I don’t write it down, it generally will not get done.
  • Block out time for the two of you to be alone. Give yourself time and opportunity to be together.
  • Engage in activities that you both enjoy but also allow for meaning­ful conversation. Sometimes it is the ride to and from the event, or over the lunchtime you shared.
  • Avoid long lectures. Instead, humble yourself and seek to listen as much as you talk.
  • Encourage your kids to ask questions and then answer them tactfully and patiently.


Over time, your kids will grow to trust and love you.


Pay It Forward

Sir Charles Barkley once said, “I am not a role model.” But dads, you need to be. The “strong, silent type” is not the best role model for your kids, they need to know the real you. Talk with them; spend time with them. Open your heart and your life to them. Share the wisdom that you have, that which cost you so much to gain.


Can a True Christian Deny the Virgin Birth?

While I never have claimed to be a theologian, I read Al Mohler’s scholarly article on this topic and he summarizes and illustrates the issue:

Can a true Christian deny the virgin birth? The answer to that question must be a decisive No. Those who deny the virgin birth reject the authority of Scripture, deny the supernatural birth of the Savior, undermine the very foundations of the Gospel, and have no way of explaining the deity of Christ.

Anyone who claims that the virgin birth can be discarded even as the deity of Christ is affirmed is either intellectually dishonest or theological incompetent.

Several years ago, Cecil Sherman–then a Southern Baptist, but later the first coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship–stated: “A teacher who might also be led by the Scripture not to believe in the Virgin Birth should not be fired.” Consider the logic of that statement. A Christian can be led by the Bible to deny what the Bible teaches? This kind of logic is what has allowed those who deny the virgin birth to sit comfortably in liberal theological seminaries and to preach their reductionistic Christ from major pulpits.

Christians must face the fact that a denial of the virgin birth is a denial of Jesus as the Christ. The Savior who died for our sins was none other than the baby who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin. The virgin birth does not stand alone as a biblical doctrine, it is an irreducible part of the biblical revelation about the person and work of Jesus Christ. With it, the Gospel stands or falls.

I have to admit that I find his teaching to be intriguing and thought provoking, if not downright logical. But for me, the discussion must also include the doctrine of salvation itself. Just what is salvation and what is it that makes one a Christian; a follower of Jesus or a disciple of Christ?

  1. Is a true Christian one who believes a defined set of propositional statements about Jesus?
  2. Is it that one knows and understands the Four Spiritual Laws?
  3. How much of the Bible must one know and understand and believe to be saved?

If we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), if we answer the call to “Follow Me” (Matthew 4:19), if we confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10) and we call upon the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13), where is the command to believe in the virginal conception of Jesus? Back to Al Mohler’s point, it is not about belief in the virgin birth, but the active denial of it.

I believe that we can be saved without the knowledge of the virgin birth, but once we learn about it, how could a true believer not accept this detail that explains the divinity of Jesus? How can someone read the Bible, claim to believe in its truth and accuracy, and at the same time deny the passages that talk about the virgin birth? Is it the same as John’s instruction about those who deny that Christ came in the flesh (2 John 1:7, 1 John 4:3)? What do you think?

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The Rest of the Christmas Story

Imagine that all your dreams come true, and they would if you could only get that big break. But what happens if you get that break? Life comes with trade-offs. Fame steals your privacy. Power and position can rob you of real friends. That promotion with more income and responsibility can erode spending time with your family. Mary’s life was filled with good news and bad news. She was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah, but along with that honor would come great pain and sorrow.

While the birth of Jesus was fulfillment of prophecy, the rest of the prophetic story would bring hardship to Mary’s heart. She experienced the joy of being a part of God’s great plan, of bringing the Messiah into the world, of birthing the hope and consolation of Israel. But, later we know that the path of Jesus led to the cross. Mary would stand at the foot of that cross witnessing her Son die for not only her sin but for the sins of the whole world.

Guys, it is hard for us to think about feelings, we’re just wired differently, but try to put yourself in Mary’s shoes for a few moments:

  1. Luke 2:41-50 – How does she feel when she realizes that her first-born child, at age 12, is not really her own, that He will always have a greater purpose, or greater business to attend to?
  2. John 2:1-11 – Jesus is not just some independence-seeking adolescent not wanting to clean his room. Jesus is operating according to His own timetable. Mary must have been hurt by his response in John 2:4.
  3. Mark 3:31-35 – Jesus may well have had a large family, and one day they came to see Him. Surely He would drop everything to come and see them, but He doesn’t. He has a new family now, people who are listening to His teaching. This show of independence must have hurt Mary as well.
  4. John 19:26-27 – The next time we see Mary is at the crucifixion. Her pain and grief would be obvious, and unbearable. She knew Jesus needed to die for the salvation of the world, but this knowledge did not make it easier to watch. Joseph named Him Jesus because He would save His people from their sin. Although she was caught up in something much bigger than herself, did that knowledge help her to accept the sorrows of life more easily?

Let’s get personal. What prophecies are you fulfilling? Take a look at John 17:20-21.

  1. Who is Jesus praying for?
  2. What does Jesus pray for?

Look for ways that you can be a part of God’s program.

  1. The first is being connected to the Father.
  2. Then comes a connection to other believers.
  3. Finally, there is the challenge of bringing others around you into a faith relationship with Christ.

Now check out John 14:12:

  1. What good works does the Father have for you?
  2. What “greater works” (than Jesus) does God expect you to do?

When you have way more time on your hands, check out these Messianic prophecies:

Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:7, Micah 5:2, Malachi 3:1, Isaiah 42:7, Isaiah 61:1, Zechariah 9:9, Psalm 41:9, Zechariah 13:7, Isaiah 53:3, Psalm 35:11, Isaiah 50:6, Zechariah 12:10, Psalm 22:1, Isaiah 53:8, Isaiah 53:12, Psalm 49:15, Psalm 68:18, Daniel 7:13.

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Nativity Mythbusters

This past Sunday we looked at the census, the announcement to the shepherds and the young couple’s experience at the nativity in Bethlehem. The focus was on the popular image that we have of the nativity, and how Christmas cards influence our understanding of the birth event more than our knowledge of the realities of childbirth.

We often sanitize the event, ignoring the dirt, smells, stench, pain and chaos that would have been present during a birth in a stable some 2000 years ago. We “holify” the couple as superhuman characters who deal with all of these challenges. We don’t hear the baby cry, smell the soiled diapers, or see Mary sneezing due to the hay.

I love that show Mythbusters. What would Adam and Jamie discover if they visited the nativity?

  1. Were there angels singing? Luke 2:10 says the angels were speaking, not singing. Luke 2:13 mention the angels praising God and “saying…” Busted.
  2. Was Jesus born on the same night they arrived in Bethlehem? Luke 2:6 only mentions that while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. It could have been several hours or several days or several weeks. Not clear.
  3. Was Jesus born in a stable? The Bible does not mention a stable. It is only from Luke 2:7 that we get this idea, since the baby was laid in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. Busted.
  4. Was there an innkeeper? Luke 2:7 simply mentions a fact that there was no room in the inn (inn is found in more traditional translations), but there was no record of an innkeeper closing the door on the desperate couple. Busted.
  5. Was there “no vacancy” at the Bethlehem Holiday Inn? There is an interesting word comparison in the gospel of Luke. Luke 2:7 and Luke 22:11 use the same Greek word (kataluma) translated inn and then guest house. Both would assume a place of lodging for guests, but read on. Perhaps Mary and Joseph were planning to stay at the home of relatives. A typical home arrangement would be a central courtyard with rooms arranged around it, guest sleeping in a barracks-style formation. A larger home might have a second floor called the upper room (like for Jesus and His last Passover). Since the house could have been full of relatives (all coming to Bethlehem for the census) this crowded home was no place to give birth (remembering the realities of childbirth – pain, screaming, blood, etc.). So, Mary may have descended to a more private place for the birth, away from children and other relatives. Interesting possibility.
  6. Was Joseph alone with Mary to deliver the baby? While Scripture is silent on this, the assumption is, yes. But if the scene above is a possibility, female family members may have been there to aid Mary in the birth. Interesting possibility.
  7. Where’s the little drummer boy? Nice story, but totally made up. The importance of the holiday in church life has given rise to many auxiliary stories and legendary characters! Strike all the stories about Frosty, Santa, Rudolph, Scrooge, and even Christmas Shoes. Busted.
  8. Were there three kings from the orient? The Scripture mentions that magi came, following a star, which led them to Jerusalem (Matthew 2:1-2) and then to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:9), but it does not mention how many. Magi were the wise men, perhaps the astronomers of the day, not kings. The only reason we sing about three wise men, is because there were three gifts given. Busted on kings, three is ambiguous.
  9. Did the magi visit Jesus in the manger? Matthew 2:11 mentions that they came into the house to present him their gifts, not a stable. Busted.
  10. Does your nativity have shepherds and wise men in the same scene? A closer look at the story indicates two separate events. Matthew 2:16 tells us that Herod sought to kill all males two years old and younger, according to the time determined from the magi. Perhaps it took a while for the magi to arrive in Bethlehem. Busted.

The emphasis is that Mary and Joseph, although willing to go along with this whole Messiah plan, might have felt that this was not what they signed up for. This is unfamiliar territory, being harder than they anticipated. The lesson for us should be that when we follow God’s leading, and life gets harder, keep the faith! We cannot be like the freed Israelites wanting to go back to Egypt just because it gets a little tough in the wilderness!

Merry Christmas to you all. Keep the Son in your eyes,


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