I am posting this information as a help to those whose lives have been impacted my childhood sexual abuse. It is discouraging to read statistics revealing this is much more widespread than one could every imagine.
Table of contents to related posts on this topic:
- What is Childhood Sexual Abuse?
- The Scope of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Villains of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Course of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Challenge Following Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Signs of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Why Children Don’t Tell About Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Solutions in dealing with Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Protecting Our Children From Childhood Sexual Abuse
This research, topics above, and material are from, Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Secret Storm. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart.
Read this story about an incest survivor:
Musical, athletic, beautiful—yet with the winsome appeal of “the girl next door”—Marilyn Van Derber walked down the Atlantic City runway as the newly crowned Miss America. After reigning for a year with whirlwind spotlight appearances, she embarked on a highly visible speaking career.
As the epitome of self-confidence and composure, this host of 23 television specials served for 16 years as the only female guest lecturer of a major corporation. Then, 33 years later, Marilyn stepped up to a very different podium, this time to deliver a very different message: “Tonight, I break my silence.… It means speaking the unspeakable word.” She revealed, “From the time I was 5 until I was 18 and moved away to college, my father sexually violated me.”
As a motivational speaker, Marilyn had a new motivation—a passion to help other victims break their silence, salvage their lives and be made whole. Describing her hidden horror has helped other victims reveal their terror and survive their shame. Still there are many victims in the midst of their own secret storm who inwardly cry,
“My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me. Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me.” (Psalm 55:4–5)
The statistics are alarming and difficult to read. Here is some information from the American Psychological Association: What Parents Need to Know.
The story above is quoted from: Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Secret Storm. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart.
More on Marilyn Van Derber is found HERE.