How Old Will We Be in Heaven?

I received an interesting note on the back of one of our Connection Cards this month:

Out of a discussion in our Sunday School lesson, when a person dies and their soul goes to heaven (whether as a baby, teenagers or senior adult) how do they all worship God and relate to each other? How is a soul of a baby different from a soul of an adult? How would they relate or communicate?

I thought this question might have something to do with our ages in heaven, so I decided to check out Billie Todd’s book called, What About Heaven. I found only a reference on page 43-44 stating that “when our spirit leaves our body it seems that our identity and our basic personality will be the same.” She goes on to say that “there will be a joyful innocence and we will have a new clarity of spiritual understanding. In heaven we will be the essence of ourselves; except, with sin removed, we will be like Christ.” On page 48 she re-emphasizes that “our personalities will still be the same, without the sin nature.”

So, I did not find this too helpful in the proposed question. Maybe Billie will include this new content in revisions of her book.

I have discovered that the Bible does not specifically answer the question about age in heaven. Will babies and children who die still be babies or children in Heaven? What about elderly people who die–do they remain elderly in heaven? Some have guessed that babies are given a resurrection body (1 Corinthians 15:35-49) that is “fast-forwarded” to the “ideal age,” just as those who die at an old age are “re-wound” to the ideal age. This would indicate that there won’t be any children or elderly people in heaven.

Makes sense to me because when I think about Adam and Eve in the Garden, I picture them at age 20-something, not as children, teenagers or as old people.

What is the ideal age? Some believe it to be around 30; mature yet not worn out. Some guess 33 since that is approximately the age of Jesus when He died. First John 3:2 declares, “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.”

So, after thinking about it, THAT is exactly what Billie Todd wrote about. Our ideal selves, at an ideal age; babies become who they were meant to be and older people are transformed into themselves at their best.

One thing is for certain. Whatever age we appear to be, we will be gloriously perfect. Our entire person will be remade flawless, wholly and completely Christ-like. We will lose all trace of human fallenness, wearing the white robes of purity, holiness and absolute perfection. So whatever age we are, it will be the age of complete and total perfection.

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