Actions that Take Courage

I’ve been thinking about how the Men of Steel can take knowledge and principles and put them into practice. We have been doing it all along, but I recently read this list of actions that take courage and wanted to pass it on, after all the Bible commands us to take courage and be men (1 Samuel 4:9 – although in this case it is said of the Philistines). Here’s the courageous list:


  1. Admitting when we are wrong.
  2. Doing what is right when everyone else isn’t.
  3. Speaking to someone you don’t know.
  4. Saying “no” when someone is trying to get you to do something you know you shouldn’t do.
  5. Telling the truth and accepting the consequences.
  6. Standing up for something you believe in even though it might mean rejection, ridicule of physical harm.
  7. Defending someone who is considered unpopular or unacceptable.
  8. Facing a limitation and giving it your very best regardless of pain or discomfort.
  9. Confronting a fear without running away.
  10. Giving sacrificially to protect or promote either someone you love, someone who has been wronged, or someone who is in need.
  11. Being the only one.
  12. Taking a risk.
  13. Sharing your heart honestly; including your fears, feelings and failures.
  14. Living your faith with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength regardless of the cost.


Not a bad list to live by. How many times do we find ourselves lacking courage; like the cowardly lion. His problem was that he had no heart. Seems that without a heart he would have asked for compassion or feelings or love… but courage? Courage is a lot like love; it must be expressed, or demonstrated. Courage is an action and not a feeling. As an example, God loved, and took action (Romans 5:8, John 3:16).


The Bible has a lot to say about courage:

  • Joshua 1:6, 7, 9, 18, 10:25 – Take courage when you are called to lead.
  • 1 Samuel 4:9 – Take courage and be men.
  • 2 Samuel 10:12 – Be strong and courageous for the sake of your family.
  • 1 Chronicles 28:10, 20, Ezra 10:4 – Be courageous and act.
  • 2 Chronicles 15:7 – Don’t lose courage, for there is reward for your work.
  • Psalm 27:14 – Take courage and wait on God.
  • Psalm 31:24 – Take courage since we hope in the Lord.
  • Isaiah 35:4 – Take courage, God will save you.
  • In the New Testament: Matthew 9:2, 22, Mark 6:50, 10:49, John 16:33, Acts 23:11, 27:25, 2 Corinthians 5:6, 8, Philippians 1:14.



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