I’ve been thinking about how the Men of Steel can take knowledge and principles and put them into practice. We have been doing it all along, but I recently read this list of actions that take courage and wanted to pass it on, after all the Bible commands us to take courage and be men (1 Samuel 4:9 – although in this case it is said of the Philistines). Here’s the courageous list:
- Admitting when we are wrong.
- Doing what is right when everyone else isn’t.
- Speaking to someone you don’t know.
- Saying “no” when someone is trying to get you to do something you know you shouldn’t do.
- Telling the truth and accepting the consequences.
- Standing up for something you believe in even though it might mean rejection, ridicule of physical harm.
- Defending someone who is considered unpopular or unacceptable.
- Facing a limitation and giving it your very best regardless of pain or discomfort.
- Confronting a fear without running away.
- Giving sacrificially to protect or promote either someone you love, someone who has been wronged, or someone who is in need.
- Being the only one.
- Taking a risk.
- Sharing your heart honestly; including your fears, feelings and failures.
- Living your faith with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength regardless of the cost.
Not a bad list to live by. How many times do we find ourselves lacking courage; like the cowardly lion. His problem was that he had no heart. Seems that without a heart he would have asked for compassion or feelings or love… but courage? Courage is a lot like love; it must be expressed, or demonstrated. Courage is an action and not a feeling. As an example, God loved, and took action (Romans 5:8, John 3:16).
The Bible has a lot to say about courage:
- Joshua 1:6, 7, 9, 18, 10:25 – Take courage when you are called to lead.
- 1 Samuel 4:9 – Take courage and be men.
- 2 Samuel 10:12 – Be strong and courageous for the sake of your family.
- 1 Chronicles 28:10, 20, Ezra 10:4 – Be courageous and act.
- 2 Chronicles 15:7 – Don’t lose courage, for there is reward for your work.
- Psalm 27:14 – Take courage and wait on God.
- Psalm 31:24 – Take courage since we hope in the Lord.
- Isaiah 35:4 – Take courage, God will save you.
- In the New Testament: Matthew 9:2, 22, Mark 6:50, 10:49, John 16:33, Acts 23:11, 27:25, 2 Corinthians 5:6, 8, Philippians 1:14.