Do you ever feel that your grief will never end … that your loss is a continual source of sorrow? Moving through the grief process takes time and commitment to “stay the course” until the goal of grief is accomplished.
Working through your grief is not an easy task; it is a difficult task that involves dedication. Be assured, God has a plan for you during this season of pain, and God will give you the strength to persevere through the pain. “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Hebrews 10:36).
Grief work involves a step-by-step process through which a grieving person walks in order to reach a place of emotional healing. “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life” (Psalm 138:7).
Healthy grief work will culminate in …
- Accepting that the past will always be in the past
- Accepting that the present offers stability and significance
- Accepting that the future holds new and promising hope
In the end you can say, along with the apostle Paul, “We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” (Romans 5:3–5).
Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Grief Recovery: Living at Peace with Loss. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart.