Villains of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Who are the people who do such things to children?

Adult Seducer of Children

  • Familial: The most frequent villains of children in their own families are fathers and stepfathers. They either prefer sex with children or use their own children just because they are available.
  • Preferential: Referred to as a pedophile, this is a person who is significantly older than the child and who demonstrates a compulsive preference for prepubescent children with little or no sexual interest in peers. Pedophiles primarily victimize non-family members. Pedophiles who abuse non-family members average 90 victims, whereas pedophiles who abuse family members average two victims.
  • Situational: This sexual perpetrator does not have a true preference for children, but rather engages in sex with a child just because the child is available or to seek revenge. Angry, bored or feeling powerless, this villain is looking for anyone to sexually violate, and children often fit the situation.

Adult Rapist of Children:

The most dangerous of child abusers is the rapist, who is usually a person significantly older than the child and who commits cruel, violent acts. The rape of one particular child is usually a onetime incident.

Child Perpetrator of Children:

The child perpetrator is a minor who sexually violates a younger child. Typically, these villains have been abused as children and, as a result, have learned to abuse other children in the same way.

The Bible reveals the intent of the villain: “A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven abominations fill his heart. His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.” (Proverbs 26:24–26)

Look at the parents of the victims, those who fail to protect their children:

Permissive Parent: One of the primary roles of parents is to protect their children from harm. Permissive parents fail in this most basic duty. They not only permit their children to be abused, but also appear to favor the guilty over the innocent. Surprisingly, victims often feel far more anger toward their permissive parent than toward the actual perpetrator.

Passive Parent: Usually a mother, the passive parent gives silent consent to sexual abuse by ignoring it. Most often she feels powerless to protect herself or her children. She victimizes her child by withholding physical protection and doubly victimizes her child by withholding emotional support.

Preoccupied Parent: Preoccupied parents are so absorbed in their own personal lives or their own emotional problems that they fail to protect their children. They lack the sensitivity and discernment needed to see the signs of a child in distress.

Prideful Parent: Prideful parents cannot or will not believe that sexual abuse could exist within their “picture perfect” home. Their self-centered pride prevents them from taking their own child’s word that such a travesty has happened.

The Bible chastises protectors of the guilty, those who fail to protect the innocent: “It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice.” (Proverbs 18:5)

Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Secret Storm. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart.

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