There are Emotional Signs of Abuse
- Anxiety or panic attacks
- Apathy
- Confused sexual identity
- Depression
- Excessive need for love and attention
- Emotional withdrawal, introversion
- False guilt
- Fear of authority figures
- Fear of going to bed, nightmares or other sleep disturbances
- Fear of intimacy
- Inability to concentrate in school
- Low self-worth
- Mistrust
- Psychoneurosis (hysteria, phobias, obsessions, compulsions)
- Regression to an earlier phase of development (baby-like) or pseudo-mature (adult-like) behavior
- Self-consciousness and insecurity
- Self-destructive behavior
- Splitting off into different personalities (DID—Dissociative Identity Disorder)
- Shame
- Unexplained mood changes
- Unpredictable anger, aggression, rage
There are Physical Signs of Abuse
- Abdominal pain
- Bed-wetting, change in toilet habits
- Complaints of sickness or frequent headaches
- Failure to accomplish simple tasks
- Genital itching, yeast or bladder infections
- Habit disorders (severe biting, thumb-sucking, rocking)
- Memory loss
- Masturbation, excessive or in public
- Obsessive washing and cleaning
- Pain when urinating
- Premarital pregnancy
- Sad facial expressions or frequent crying
- Self-mutilation (self-injury—a cutter)
- Sitting or walking difficulties
- Suicidal gestures
- Torn, stained or blood-spotted underpants
- Undernourished appearance
- Vaginal or rectal pain, swelling, bruises or bleeding
- Vaginal/penile discharge
- Venereal disease
There are Social Signs Abuse
Victims usually have difficulty developing healthy habits and relationships, struggling in several of the following areas:
- Abnormal expression of sexuality in writing, drawing or playing
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Antisocial behavior, defiance, problems with authority and rules
- Arriving early, staying late at school or another safe place
- Avoidance of specific people or situations
- Deep fear of saying no to adults
- Defensive reaction to touch
- Dependent, clinging behavior
- Eating disorders
- Excessive compliance (inability to set personal boundaries)
- Exclusive relationship with an older person
- Extreme modesty, reluctance to change clothes in front of others
- Fear of sleepovers
- Poor peer relationships
- Premature sexual knowledge or behavior
- Promiscuity or seductive behavior with older males
- Running away
- Secretive
- Sexually abusing another child
- Sudden drop in school performance or activities
- Taking on a parental role
There are Spiritual Signs of Abuse
Children who are victimized generally struggle with some of the following obstacles to their spiritual growth:
- Warped negative perceptions of God
- Anger at God because He did not stop the abuse
- Distrusting God for allowing the abuse
- Feeling rejected by God and unworthy
- Fearing God’s anger and displeasure
- Projecting the attributes of the abuser onto God
- Possessing a knowledge of God but have little personal experience of God’s love and grace
- Difficulty forming an intimate relationship with God
- Rejecting God or seeking to gain God’s approval through achieving high levels of performance in church related activities
Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Secret Storm. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart.