Many children do not know they have permission to take action to protect themselves. They don’t realize what is happening, and they become too frightened to react quickly. Since most children are taught to obey authority figures, they need to be empowered to protect themselves. The following statements can instill confidence and build assertiveness in a young heart and help the child to resist inappropriate sexual advances.
Permission to Say NO!
- “God loves you and made your body with a special plan and purpose.”
- “If you are asked to do something you think is wrong, I expect you to say NO even to an older relative or friend of the family.” (Role-play saying no in a firm assertive voice.)
- “Your body belongs to you, and you decide who touches it.”
- “The parts of your body covered by a bathing suit are private.”
- “Never allow anyone other than your doctor to touch your private parts, and then only for medical reasons.”
- “If someone tries to touch your private parts, scream and run to a safe place.”
- “If someone touches your private parts and says that it’s okay, they are wrong! You must tell me or someone you trust.”
- “If a person does not stop touching you, say, ‘I’ll tell if you don’t stop!’ Then tell me or someone else when you are safe.”
- “If someone threatens you, do not be afraid, tell anyway.”
- “If you are asked to keep the touching a secret, tell anyway.”
- “If the person you tell does not believe you, keep telling no matter how embarrassed you feel … keep telling until someone believes you.”
- “Pray for a safe adult you can trust—someone to help you who is not a member of your family.”
“If sinners entice you, do not give in to them.” (Proverbs 1:10)
Hunt, J. (2008). Biblical Counseling Keys on Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Secret Storm. Dallas, TX: Hope For The Heart.