The mission of King’s Grant Baptist is to know Christ and make him known, so any program of the church must fit under that mission statement. For small groups to be successful and avoid stagnation, our focus has to be bigger than ourselves. Consider this as the purpose of small groups:
Our Purpose – to Fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)
- The Task – Make Disciples (Matthew 28:19). If we are not developing people into fully devoted followers of Christ, we are definitely not making disciples.
- The Process – To Go in Obedience (Matthew 28:19-20). The word process brings with it steps and stages leading to an end. If our task is to make disciples, we need a plan (and Jesus offered one).
- Go = we are to Win – (Mark 16:15-16). We are not to huddle together but move out with the marching orders he has given us. Let’s get out there with the people and win them to Christ. We don’t do it alone, but allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in this mission.
- Baptize = we are to Build. We cannot birth new believers and leave them to fend care for themselves. The next stage in the process is to build them up so they can feed themselves, learn from the Bible, grow in their faith and imitate Christ.
- Teach = we are to Equip. The mission is to be passed on like a baton to the generation behind us. Christianity is only one generation from extinction, so how are we helping believers to carry on the mission; the reason we need to equip the body for the work of service.
- The Scope – All Nations (Matthew 28:19). We are to multiply or reproduce. Contrary to the sports arena in Norfolk, the scope is actually our field of vision; who is the target of the Great Commission? To whom shall we go? It’s not just to the ends of the earth, but sometimes to the next cubical, or across the street.
- The Recipients – the Disciples, and over 500 Brethren (Matthew 28:16 & 1 Corinthians 15:6). Sometimes we feel like the Great Commission was given to the church at large or maybe to the disciples in particular, but actually Jesus has given it to each of us. It is an insult to our faith if we fail to ask ourselves, “What do you want me to do?” We have the marching orders, we must be obedient to the Lord.
- The Fuel – Worship (Matthew 28:17). Balancing worship and missions… which is more important? John Piper has said that missions exists because worship doesn’t. People are giving the glory that God deserves to something else. He is the one to be worshiped. I believe that this verse points out that people will have one of two responses when they see Jesus:
- They worshiped him.
- Some were doubtful.
- The Duration – Until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). No one can say that they have done enough, then sit back and relax. We cannot wait for a new generation to run with the baton, we run together, training and equipping, supporting and encouraging those who will come behind us. Jesus must not find us idol and sitting on the sidelines while the game is on. The song goes, “we will work, til Jesus comes.” Does that describe your passion for the Great Commission?
The purpose of the church found in the Great Commission has been personalized for King’s Grant Baptist Church in the following way.
We exist… “to know Christ and make him known.”
“His Last Command is Our First Concern!”