This information is not original with me, but from a fascinating book I found entitled, “The Passionate Church: The Art of Life-Changing Discipleship.” Since I am a visual learner, I have included my personally designed diagrams along with my own notes to help in my disciple-making and teaching efforts.
The circle helps us identify the significant events of our lives in a way that enables us to move deeper in the direction of God’s will.
The time has come, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news. –Mark 1:15
Chronos = the flowing of time, in chronological order.
Kairos = a time in your life, a significant event (the kairos moment).
- These are always positive or negative, they are never neutral.
- These leave an impact on you, and change your life.
- These signal an opportunity to grow spiritually and emotionally.
Within the circle…
- Observe – where we are – our reactions, thoughts, emotions. The disciples had the Pharisees breathing down their necks and Jesus was looking at the birds (Matt. 6:25-26).
- Reflect – on the observations, asking questions, invite others in (Matt. 6:26).
- Discuss – your shortcomings within community (James 5:16, Matt. 6:27). Jesus says the person who worries needs to change, not the things we worry about.
- Plan – make a plan for inner and lasting change (James 2:14, 26). How do we build a life based on faith rather than worry (Matt. 6:33)? Planning is all about vision.
- Account – accountability aids in our success, left alone we will not follow through. Jesus keeps us humble when He reminds us about our own frailties (Matt. 7:1-3). He calls us to be authentic, not hypocritical. Change doesn’t happen in private, even the disciples were sent out in pairs. If one spoke is missing in the wheel, the circle will not turn properly.
- Act – step out in faith, not just in our thoughts or intentions. Faith must come to the surface and produce action. Jesus tells about wise and foolish builders, followers who act on His words or not (Matt. 7:24-27).
This kairos is designed to be a life-changing moment and we must learn from it!