Passion is generally defined as intense emotion; and when we have passion for God, we live differently than simply living a casual existence, just simply getting by. We develop purpose and meaning and direction. We are then motivated to serve because it is the right thing to do, not out of guilt or for any rewards or recognition that might come. Imagine pursuing God with the same passion we had for our wives, before we got married.
I want deliberately to encourage this mighty longing after God. The lack of it has brought us to our present low estate. The stiff and wooden quality about our religious lives is a result of our lack of holy desire. Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth. Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His people. He waits to be wanted. Too bad that with many of us He waits so long, so very long, in vain. — C. S. Lewis
There is no emptiness of soul ever for those whose life is devoted to God. — William Lawson
Few delights can equal the mere presence of One whom we fully trust. — George McDonald
Top 10 Expressions of a Passionate Faith:
- Worship freely: let your body mirror your soul.
- Pray continually: speak with feeling and intensity.
- Share openly: Do not filter your spirituality around unbelievers.
- Live intentionally: fill every day with Kingdom content.
- Serve radically: lead your family into spiritual connection.
- Love deeply: love for and respond to people’s urgent needs.
- Listen carefully: take time to hear people’s true hearts.
- Protect vigilantly: know the enemy’s schemes and cut him off.
- Speak honestly: Don’t mask your soul in religious veneer.
- Rest thankfully: invest wisely in Sabbath renewal.