Sustaining Commitment

Another one of those basic needs for a new (or long time) believer is to become committed to the faith he professes. Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk. While God never promises a life of ease or that we will never find ourselves in the midst of turmoil, He does promise to go through the pit with us.

Hold fast to the commitments we have made to God and others. Don’t give up. I heard Dave Ramsey say just the other day, “Don’t Quit” to a seminar of 20 Entrepreneurs and leaders across the country.


Confidence thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Obedience to the call of Christ nearly always costs everything to two people–the one who is called, and the one who loves that one. — Oswald Chambers

I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness. — Mother Teresa

I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. — Hudson Taylor

Top 10 Practices to Sustain Your Commitment:

  1. Worship: renew your vision of the one you love.
  2. Remembrance: remind yourself of God’s past faithfulness.
  3. Planning: set goals and strategies toward your spiritual calling.
  4. Prayer: cultivate intimacy with the one to whom you are committed.
  5. Fellowship: jointly own each other’s failures and successes.
  6. Study: use books and the Bible to equip and inspire.
  7. Solitude: reflect on your motivations for a life of faith.
  8. Faith: actively trust in the character and promises of God.
  9. Meditation: interpret the purposes of God in difficulty.
  10. Passion: put faith in motion to see the results of your commitment.
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