One of the foundational desires for a new believer is to discover God’s will, but the question posed is generally something like, “What is God’s will for my life?” I submit that we often ask the wrong question. We should rather ask, “What is God’s will?'” and then realign our lives in that direction. I don’t buy that God has a specific will all drawn out for each person. He has set into place a series of principles for us to follow and it is up to us to discover how to follow Him in obedience. (I can write a whole lot more on the topic, but will save that for another time).
Shine. Make ’em wonder what you’ve got. Make ’em wish that they were not on the outside looking bored. — Steve Taylor, Newsboys
Your career should be true to your inner wiring, your set of gifts and abilities, your passions. Otherwise, it’s just a job. — The New Rebellion
We serve God by serving others. The world defines greatness in terms of of power, possessions, prestige, and position. If you can demand services from others, you’ve arrived. In our self-serving culture with its me-first mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular concept. — Rick Warren
The Top 10 Tools for Discerning God’s Will:
- Prayer – bring your concerns and confusion to God.
- Listening – tune in to the responses from His heart.
- Community – hear God’s perspectives from those who know you best.
- Counsel – receive illumination from your spiritual authorities.
- Scriptures – look for God’s direction from His reveled Word.
- Passion – recognize the deep longings God has planted in you.
- Gifting – release the unique abilities God placed within you.
- Opportunity – consider the natural doors God opens supernaturally.
- Joy – welcome the Spirit’s confirming presence upon right choices.
- Confirmation – find where the above tools converge.