Here Am I, Send Aaron

The title comes from an episode in the life of Moses where God had called him into missionary service. God approaches Moses on Mt Horeb in a burning bush and tells Moses that He has seen His people and their suffering, their affliction, and their hopelessness. Moses is saying, “Right on,God. You can do it. I’m behind that plan all the way.” Then God informs Moses that He will be sent to Pharaoh to bring the people out of Egypt (Exodus 3:10). Then Moses begins a series of excuses:

  1. Who am I? (Exodus 3:11)
  2. Who are You? (Exodus 3:13)
  3. What proof do I have that You sent me (Exodus 4:1)
  4. I don’t speak well (Exodus 4:10) so God sends Aaron, too.

Since Moses is often used in sermons of how God calls someone into the ministry, I will not use him other than as an introduction to what God did with Amos.

  1. God calls laymen: (Amos 7:14a) he was not a prophet, and never went to seminary.
    1. Amos was shepherding.
    2. Amos was single-minded: minding his own business.
  2. God commissions laborers: (Amos 7:14b) God utilized his trade for the kingdom.
    1. Amos was laboring.
    2. Amos was listening.
  3. God controls livelihoods: (Amos 7:15a) God took him from the familiar to a place totally outside of his comfort zone.
    1. Amos was agreeable.
    2. Amos was teachable.
  4. God commands to leave: (Amos 7:15b) We must plan to go unless God specifically calls us to stay.
    1. Amos was observant.
    2. Amos was obedient.
  5. God communicates by listening: (Amos 7:16) he was to hear the Word of the Lord; and God used a display of visions to make his point.
    1. The plumb line (Amos 7:7, 8, 9)
      1. Hold the plumb up to your own life.
      2. Are you a good steward of all He has given to you?
    2. The summer fruit (Amos 8:1, 2, 3).
      1. The time is short (Amos 8:2).
      2. The task is significant (Amos 8:3).
      3. The temptation is security (Amos 7:8, 9, 8:12).

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