Elements of Trust

I enjoy reading blogs on a variety of topics, and I found some information on leadership worth passing on (from George Ambler). In the May edition of the Ignite! Newsletter published by The Ken Blanchard Companies (Blanchard is the One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus guy) is an interesting article on trust. The article discuses the ABCD Trust Model from Cynthia Olmstead, founder and president of TrustWorks Group, Inc. which highlights the following four elements of trust:

  1. Able: demonstrates competence, expertise, experience, and capability in getting the desired results accomplished.
  2. Believable: walks the talk of a core set of values, demonstrates honesty, and uses fair, equitable practices.
  3. Connected: interacts with staff, communicates and shares relevant information, provides praise, and gives recognition.
  4. Dependable: is accountable, takes responsibility for own actions, and consistently follows up.

We are well aware that trust is the foundation of all effective leadership, however trust does not just happen. It’s something that a leader must consciously and constantly develop. When it comes to developing trust, actions matter! Cynthia Olmstead goes on to explain that “…people need to see trust in action more that they need to hear about it.” It’s only as leader’s act in a trustworthy manner, by example that trust is developed.

The Bible has plenty to say about trust, too:

  1. Many began to trust in Jesus (John 2:23 NLT)
  2. Put your trust in the light while there’s time (John 12:36 NLT)
  3. Trust in God… trust also in Christ (John 14:1 NLT)
  4. Anyone who trusts in him will not be disgraced (Romans 9:33, 10:11 NLT)
  5. Trust in God’s power (1 Corinthians 2:5 NLT)
  6. God trusted Timothy and appointed him for service (1 Timothy 1:12 NLT)
  7. Trust in God, not the world (1 Timothy 6:17 NLT)
  8. We don’t see yet still trust (1 Peter 1:8 NLT)
  9. The reward for trusting is our salvation (1 Peter 1:9 NLT)
  10. Trust your lives to the God who created you (1 Peter 4:19 NLT) because he will never fail you

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