The Bible has a lot to say about riches and treasure. Jesus actually said more about financial matters than He did about faith, salvation, heaven or hell. Much of it revolves around our attitude toward riches.
One Bible verse jumps out at me when it comes to the proper focus on treasure, Matthew 6:21. Jesus tells us that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. So think about two things, your treasure and your heart. No one can see into your soul or your heart except you and God, so be honest with yourself. Think about what you value most in life.
For you married guys, I pray that you realize your wife is your greatest treasure. It’s not your job, your kids, or even the skills you have to do something great for humanity. Your wife fills a void that no one else and nothing else can fill. Our wives are designed not only as complete and competent individuals, but to be our suitable helpers as well. After all, God is the one who said it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18).
How can you express to your wife that she is the treasure of your life?
- Treasure your wife by verbally expressing how much you value her as a person.
- Treasure her by telling and showing her how grateful you are that she is in your life.
- Treasure her by making your marriage a priority, and helping her to know it.
- Treasure her in your thought life, maintaining purity.
- Treasure her in prayer by regularly bringing her to God’s throne of grace.
- Treasure her by following through with your promises.
- Treasure her by serving her, and sacrificing yourself every day.
- Treasure her by helping and encouraging her to reach for her personal and professional goals.
This is the day to begin treasuring your wife!
This weekend I was asked, “What day are you on?” regarding the Love Dare book, from the feature film, Fireproof. I quickly realized that I had not followed through with intentionality! It’s time to start over. For your treasure’s sake, recommitted yourself to the challenge. Remember the reason you married her in the first place!
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I told my husband tonight that he needed to value me and treasure me. You know what he said? He said he didn’t know what that meant. I couldn’t understand that. We’ve been married for 4 years. I know it’s not a long time, but all along I have told him in our conversations that I wished he would value me more. I have felt repeatedly like I am a begger asking him to love me like I love him. I feel humiliated. I don’t know why. I think he loves me. I’m not too sure. Maybe he loves me like someone who appreciates a maid. I wish I knew.
My heart hurt while reading your words, I trust he will one day see you for the treasure you are. I pray he will come to his senses soon. I have a burden for helping men be the best husbands and fathers they can be. God expects it while wives and kids deserve it.