A friend of mine put this together years ago. I like the comparison because it allows me to see how one group within the body of Christ might see Christianity quite different from another. For an example, one person might feel he or she will strut into heaven wearing their golden crown all ready to rule and reign with Christ, while another would come before our resurrected Savior, bowing in humility ready to cast any golden crown at his nail-scarred feet.
Theology of The Cross Suffering Servant Human Free Will Divine Self-limitation: God guides and Sustains Human Free and Responsible for Sin Priesthood of the Believer: Separation of Church/State Mode of Atonement: Revelation, Reconciliation Election: Predestined All to Salvation in Christ Biblical Authority: Dynamic Inspiration Interpreted by the Holy Spirit Faith by Encounter Primarily – Luther | Theology of Glory God of Glory Divine Sovereignty Divine Determinacy: God is in control of events Humans Not Free But Responsible for Sin Theocracy Mode: Substitution, Ransom, Redemption Double Predestination: Some to Bliss, Others Not Biblical Inerrancy: Literal, Mechanical, Verbal Faith by Assent Primarily – Calvin |
Compiled by Harold Penick, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisvillle KY